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RE: (ENG/SPA) Her ghost in The Fog Music Video Review with Spoilers

in YouHive6 days ago (edited)

It is a great and intense band with a very particular style, I enrich your review by telling you that the video was directed by David Brodsky, who has also directed videos for bands like Behemoth and Cannibal Corpse, who are also great. In addition, that video was filmed in the forests of New York, not many people remember this peculiar fact (amazing in my opinion, what makes an impeccable direction), the demon woman is played by the model and actress Sarah Ann.

By the way, the actor of the lumberjack (if I'm not mistaken) is Mr. Doug Bradley (better known as the terrible "Pinhead" from the movie Hellraiser. Doing a little research here and there I found the information.

Es una gran e intensa banda con un estilo bien particular, enriquezco tu reseña comentándote que el vídeo fue dirigido por David Brodsky, quien también ha dirigido vídeos para bandas como Behemoth y Cannibal Corpse, que tambien son unos sendos hierros. Ademas ese vídeo fue filmado en los bosques de Nueva York, no mucha gente recuerda ya este dato tan peculiar (asombroso a mi parecer lo que hace una impecable direccion), la mujer demonio es interpretada por la modelo y actriz Sarah Ann.

Por cierto el actor del leñador (si no me equivoco) es el señor Doug Bradley (mejor conocido como el terrible "Pinhead" de la pelicula Hellraiser. Investigando un poco por aquí y por allá di con el dato.


Por aqui la imagen de wikipedia del actor:




I didn't know this information and it enriches the history behind the music videos, good thing he is still alive haha, I thought he died because of the time that has passed, beautiful actress, I'm going to look for her to see how she looks today, the scene information is great because being a natural site, I think it gives more effort and detail to the video, I thought the stage was fake haha 😅

datos que no sabia y enriquecen la historia detras de los videos musicales, que bueno sigue vivo jaja, yo pense que se murio ya por el tiempo que ha pasado, preciosa la actriz, ya la voy a buscar para ver como luce hoy, el dato de escena buenisimo porque al ser un sitio natural, pienso le da mas esfuerzo y detalle al video, yo pense era falso el escenario jaja 😅

The video is so well directed and edited that it really seems like a studio set, plus that song in particular has its story, which among other things, was written during/after (I'm not clear) a trip with hallucinogenic mushrooms, and yes Dig a little, you will enjoy the story (I won't give you spoilers so you can search, because the truth is it is very interesting). That man is a legend, although he is known more for pinhead than for other things 😀

Esta tan bien dirigido y editado el vídeo que realmente parece un set en estudio, ademas esa canción en particular tiene su historia, que entre otras cosas, fue escrita durante/después (no lo tengo claro) de un viaje con hongos alucinógenos, y si escarvas un poco, disfrutaras la historia (no te hago spoilers para que busques, porque la verdad es bien interesante). Ese hombre esta una leyenda, aunque se le conoce mas por pinhead que por otras cosas 😀