SGS Now Taking on Member Leases

Our fundraiser at SGS is done and I’ve had a chance to draw up a rough budget for how the new funds can be spent. I gave everyone a heads up last week that SGS Soon Seeking New HIVE Power Leases Paying 13.5% APR and we’ve already had a few expressions of interest – which is great. Now it’s time to get some solid agreements in place.

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As per last time the SGS Membership will get first option on the new leases and so that is what this post is now announcing. The calculations I've done are a bit of a guesstimate but I think we can target a Total Hive Power of 450K for the @ssg-community account for the next 6+ months. That means we can add about another 125K in leases over the next few weeks.

So if you’re a member of SGS and want to lease your Hive Power to our Community Curation Project then NOW is the time to get in touch. Please contact me on the SGS Discord so that we can firm up the details and make sure we have a solid understanding of the size and terms of your lease. The basic terms of the leases are 13.5% APR paid weekly, in advance, with a minimum amount of 5,000 HP per lease.

I’ll leave this open to SGS Members for a few days and then will give those outside our membership on the Waiting List an opportunity to pick up the rest. Please do make sure that you talk to me first BEFORE changing your Delegation. This needs to be an orderly process and I’m not keen to facilitate people jumping the queue.

If you are interested in supporting a great community and getting a great return on your HIVE investment then I hope to hear from you soon.


Added to mine last week. I'll check if I can add more.

Please talk to me before changing your delegations. I have to recalculate the weekly payments and I do it all manually. All of our leases are for set, fixed amounts.

I can take it back.

No need to take it back. If you can let me know what you'd like to delegate we can round it off and then I will calculate some backpay for you.

I am at 13,237.174 , I'll add more to make it 15,000.
I can only do it tonight. So if that is okay, I'll do it now.

Sounds good.

Okay, done!

I'll get thinking on this and maybe add another 2k to my existing delegation. Ttyl

Sounds good. I'll be looking to get commitment for our member leases over the next few days.

Let me do some quick maths and ill govenyou a total later on.

Looks to be an extra 2k, or there abouts from me, heading your(ssg-community) way.

I just plan on letting mine ride if that is okay with you.

Good luck

I am really excited to become part of this.

I'm currently delegating 2500, if I make it 5000 total will that count? Or do I need to add 5000 to that amount?

If it's enough I'd love to delegate 5k total!


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @buggedout.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District