How much money is there in the world?πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

in Silver Gold Stackers β€’ 3 years ago

If you lay out all the money on our planet of a hundred-dollar bill and lay it out like this, you can go around the equator three and a half thousand times, But no matter how much accumulation you have, in fact, it's just pieces of paper numbers on bank accounts when dealing with money, only one thing is important what is behind them and what they are provided with before all the money in the world was commodity as money took some valuable commodity, for example, in China, money still remained in briquettes of pressed tea from Central America cocoa beans, gold and silver ring replaced commodity money here because of the complexity and in some places similar currencies are still used by Pacific islanders, I here they were people paying with stones and not just stones, but giant 74 tons, yes there is a cache there, but stones are still used in transactions they even have an airport there, but stones are still used in transactions this man is a multi-ton stone oligarch, I will try to steal such a stone, you will get immediately with time to pay with gold. All this is like a game from childhood, a store where there were pebbles, leaves, all kinds of sticks and we changed the value of the state prints money with machines and for example the USA you can buy whole sheets of dollars right with this you can not even cut them and how to found grow troll waiters the eighties apologized a lot because the whole world began to sell oil for dollars, so the Americans launched their dollar conveyor at full volume of American dollars increased by 800% as for our country, 2001, the volume of Russian rubles was allocated 38 times if you divide this money a couple rune Katya well, everyone will get only 283,000 rubles not so many years ago there was even less money in the world there was more and this is a fact it's easy to check rapper rapper most of all read about money. Image source: ttps://

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