
See the post, reveal made.

Wow.. Cool, I never would have guessed a couple of them. It's hard to see the slight differences.

I told you I had one to share with you, so here it is.. Promise not to laugh. I found it at a yard sale of all places! (Molly was a champ and posed next to the shell. She wasn't all that bothered by it either, surprisingly.)

First, A 30-30 Silver Tip next to a tube of ChapStick


Ready For It??? ..




What do you think?



I don't know what it is but I wish I had 1000 of them and the gun that shoots them. Just saying!

I like the yard sales you go to.

Hahahah. Me too! Here’s the info below. I’m figuring ww2 shell. I think it was a dud because it looks like it was struck but maybe never went off because of the lack of gunpowder. I shake it and feel a tiny bit of something in there but not enough that’s for sure. I don’t shake it too hard just in case LOL.


Here is something similar..

Ye gods!

Lol...You know...I suggest a hammer applied in a very hard fashion...Like really smack the hell out of it...See what happens. I mean let me know. If I don't hear back from you I'll know it wasn't a dud.

Okay.. One second.. I'll be right back!



I had that happen to a tyre today whilst doing 120kph in the middle of nowhere. Just doing a post on it.