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RE: Getting mounted

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

You know what would be awesome while reading this post? One of those cinematic orchestra for when the protagonist is preparing for the "last fight" of the movie.

Everything about guns should be about precision and in my opinion, anybody willing to use or handle them has to have a certain level of OCD about it, when you consider the damage you could do to yourself or others when something is out of place.

Out of all the guns, sniper rifles are the most fascinating because there's so much science involved. Imagine how much time it takes to just set the scope properly and that's just one part. I bet getting the stand at the right height will also be an issue.

Meanwhile, I'm glad you had a great day, despite everything that's happening around you. I hope everybody's recovering and getting better


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For me owning firearms and shooting is not just about the owning and shooting firearms...It's the whole package for me. Improving myself, skills and my equipment. Having skills to set up, maintain and shoot is equally important to me as is the science behind, and ability to make, my own ammunition. There's so many concepts around shooting, the firearm itself and peripheral equipment that one is always learning. That's the part I like.

Anyway, things are aw well as can be here, how about you?

Glad to hear that and the soundtrack is on point. Adds a nice angle to reading the post. The movie's bad ass though, I didn't know Charlie Sheen was in this kind of serious war movie. I had seen him in a comedy titled Hot shots that was a parody of this movie. Did he shoot the kid?

I'm doing good. I made progress in my thesis and I should be done with it in two weeks time, all things being equal. I've designed the parts to be simulated. All that's left now is running the actual simulation, getting result and making conclusion. After that part, it will be about dotting I'd and crossing T's; fixing references, numbering images and all that. I'm just glad to put this behind me.

That movie was Charlie Sheen's breakout role. It's called Platoon. You should be able to get it as it's an iconic war movie. I won't give any of the plot away.

It sounds like it's all plain sailing from now to the end with your Thesis. Of course, that's easy for me to say as I'm not actually doing it! All the best with it and I hope you get it all sorted shortly.