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RE: Out of the hide

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

Those calculations and stuff are pretty cool. I remember the name of the app from a few months ago, that’s some good stuff. Kind of crazy to think people do that stuff on the fly with a snipe partner or themselves with a pen and paper or just in their head. Shooting long range is more about math than the average office worker will ever use in their lifetime lol.

Remarkable scenery for sure. Have you gotten close to the limit in any of the years?

Why does the farmer want the hares and stuff taken out as well?

 3 years ago (edited) 

They don't do it on the fly...They just have DOPE (data on previous engagements) to work off which is why I record every shot and the data around it, for the future...In case my phone battery dies.

I carry dope cards with me at all times when shooting, calculated at varying density altitudes and ranges so that they are accurate. I test them and they're all based on actual data. I have shot off them out to over 1000m. Good data in will mean a good result out. Last night I recorded the 13 shots I made in this way.

Back in the old days snipers used to Kentucky windage it, these days the range finders have built in ballistics calculators/solvers in them so when the spotter ranges a target it delivers a FFS (field firing solution). My range finder does this, but I prefer the less easy way as it keeps my skills sharp. It also means I'm more able to adjust as conditions change if rapid firing is required. And if all the fancy stuff is one day not available...Homie can still fuck shit up.

Modern snipers won't use pen and paper, they have ballistics solvers exactly like mine, Applied Ballistics etc. Plus things like the Kestrel 5700 or Vectronix range finders. What looks like solutions in their head is usually just them reading a dope card and applying experience. Hence recording data from every shot. Don't believe the movies...It doesn't work like that in real life.

Of course, there's also some element of skill and past experience in every shot. that's why I shoot so much...So if it needs to count I can bring the mojo.

Sorry, didn't answer your questions @cmplxty...

  • Yes, I've got close. This year the limit was increased for that reason. It generally works by acreage though. It's unlikely I'll reach the limit this year though.

  • Rabbits and hares build warrens which fuck up the ground. Both introduced species so they have to die. Cow falls in warren hole, cow breaks leg, cow get's shot. $1800/head...So costly.