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RE: Hive - LCD Notifier

in HiveDevs2 years ago

The Php part is only used to get the Hive data, and the TCL script is for write to the LCD Screen - the LCD that uses GPIO are less cost..

The LCD that i am using is LCD SMARTIE compatible , that makes that this LCD are not compatible with any other, the TCL script only work with this type of LCD.

some time ago was very popular on ebay, just now is almos impossible to found.


could you share the PHP code used to get the Hive data?

I've not done much with it and would enjoy having my "HIVE POWER" displayed

right on. I see that tcl code is for a smartie-lcd only using USB.

I think I can follow that php, I am no expert in it but have some experience.

thank you.

I will make an library for php for working with Hive, but this will take some time... 🤗

I have written a small tcl class to handle the interactions with hive. Thanks for the inspiration!

i think the voting_power in your code is not accounting for elapsed time. I used voting_manabar last_update_time .. and did my calculations from there.

Here is my post. Hopefully you can figure out how to make it work in php correctly.. here is how it works in TCL.

Thanks again for you help.

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