api.deathwing.me | September 2020 Stats

in HiveDevs4 years ago


@bluerobo thought it would be nice to see some stats for my API node, so here I am, sharing them :)

Throughout September, from September 1st to September 30th, api.deathwing.me has served approximately 750K (yes, 750 thousand) API calls from its users.

This number might be a bit lower than what it is supposed to be due to my logging settings, will give it a check.

Unfortunately, I do not have any fancy graphs or charts or anything so just pure numbers right now.

The node currently serves approximately -while it heavily varies- 14 RPC calls per second. The use seems to have increased drastically in the last couple of days. I am assuming this is due to recent issues with most nodes. At a glance, I can say that the usage of the node doubled, if not more.

Throughout September, the node has used approx. 200 GB bandwidth (both incoming and outgoing)

According to @fullnodeupdate, api.deathwing.me is the 3rd fastest (sometimes 4th) node at the moment. After Eclipse, I am hoping to optimize it further, try speeding things up a bit. Going to wait until 4th of October for that.

That's about it for now. Just some stats @bluerobo convinced me to share.

Thank you for reading through the post.

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Impressive stats and great work done backstage. Congrats @deathwing!