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RE: One-Block Irreversibility for Delegated Proof-Of-Stake (DPOS)

in HiveDevs2 years ago

I didn't realise that HIVE needs 15 blocks to get 100% to accept a transaction. Always thought this was 3 seconds. I can only say about this change: This is what is needed for sure. Maybe not that important for most of the dApps we have in our eco-system, but waiting 45 seconds before a payment transaction is finalised with 100% certainty (ie no risk to the parties involved in the payment transaction) is too long for use cases such as in-store payments and webshop payments. Therefore I do hope the tests will be flawless and we will see this implemented asap. This will make HIVE an even better general-purpose blockchain which is the direction we shall go towards in my honest opinion. Someone else mentioned the 1-second block time. I also read your response. Though maybe not straightforward and 'easy' to implement, for use cases like webshop payments, 1 second is by far preferred over 3 seconds. Maybe also for in-store payments, though the user experience in a store may be ok with a little larger than a 1-second delay on payment confirmation. Anyways, when we have the 1 second to deal with webshops payment, we also have it for in-store payments :)


I would say 1s block time is much more important for social media kind of apps rather than for the financial. 1s is just much more responsive.

True regarding more responsive social media. Maybe I already got accustomed to how our UIs work regarding social media and have my why of work to deal with the delay 🙃