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RE: Roadmap for Hive-related work by BlockTrades in the next 6 months

in HiveDevs3 years ago

The main change a longer flat window does is bring manual voters on par with auto voters. With the short time window, it was impossible to be a manual curator that earned as much as an auto voter. However, when all things are even, manual voters should earn more or at least more than they did before. The reason being if auto voters don't start following the manual curators (which dnst hurt the manual curator with a longer window) then they may start over rewarding content, which can lead to downvotes. How many times have you seen those embarrassing auto votes on a "This post has been deleted, Do not vote!" - ya well some people are willing to look bad for the increased rewards. So ya, all things equal, manual should earn more simply because they will be downvoted less because their votes will be strategic and realtime.


And curation isn't easy. I hire people to help with my curation, on top of spending hours a day doing it myself. When I see I earn on avg less than 10%, while auto voters earning upwards of 15%+, the investor inside me cringes. These people are doing no work at all, I'm coming out of pocket and spending countless hours and getting less. That is not an optimal system by any means.

maybe this would change with content + advertisement. So holder should only reward good content that other people from search engines also looking for ( for revenue).

Commercials with burn rate should profit every holder long term. It can be also flat 50/50 so the game is only looking for the best revenue content.