Starting to collect Large Garbage Dump material

in FreeCompliments10 days ago

Hello guys, I am Arveno and want to share my Journey as a Mayor in Dcity game. In this content i want to share my plan for next milestone. After reading and watching what i need to do, i only have 2 option this time. First, i need to combine my wind turbine to wind farm or building Large Garbage Dump. Both of these combined card is gives 50 tax refund. Thats quite huge jump for my daily income. But, it turns out that it is not easy. And this will be a nice financial challenging for myself. Yesterday i swapping some changes on my paycheck to SIM Token and it makes excess around 39k SIM.

So, today my budget is just 39k SIM. I dont want to get my SIM under 1M. So 1M SIM token is my lower underlying budget for this game.
As i said before, at first i want to using this 39k SIM for buying some eco activist or economist and some building that giving tax refund. But, then my greed said this wont be enough.So, i decided to searching and learning what is the special building and i learn that many combined special building gives more tax refund than usual building. Thats why i decided to make these combine.
After research it, i have 2 option here. I already have wind turbine around 50 and it can combined to be wind farm. Or i can starting collecting some cards for Large Garbage Dump.
These 2 card is fine. And i decided to making Large Garbage Dump first. But, i dont know if in the way to making Large Garbage Dump turns out that i make Wind Farm first. Since Wind Farm is cheaper than Large Garbage Dump. In the end i will make these 2 card. So whichever made first is okay for me.

So, Large Garbage Dump need
30 Garbage Dump
2 Barracks
2 Power Line
2 Basic Automation
1 Parking
1 Office
1 Engineer
1 Advanced Recycling
1 Construction Site

And for Wind Farm it need

25 Wind Turbine
5 Power Line
1 Basic Automation
1 Energy Reload
1 Construction Site

Even though Wind Farm have less card to combine, but all the material card is really expensive. Thats why i confused which one is cheaper.
But hell yeah just lets buy first, thinking later. LOL

First, i buy Garbage Dump. I remember the last i played this card is cheaper than this. Around 3,5k/card if i remember correctly. But today the price is so expensive. But, yeah just buy it at least this is still in withing my budget.

Then i buy 2 barracks for Large Garbage Dump material. This is the cheapest.

Then i buy Power Line card that kinda expensive. Similar to Garbage Dump. After buying this card, i just thinking if why i buy all material for Wind Farm first and make my daily income increase first then collecting to Large Garbage Dump.

But yeah with limited budget i cannot affor 4 cards at a time. So, maybe i cna buy 2 Power Line card Every week. But, it will make the report quite boring right.And I need wait 2 more weeks till my Power Line card be 5, and buying another 1 material card every week. But yeah i still dont know. But at least with my finance power, i think this is still the best way.

Yep still far away, at least i have progress this time and not stuck at all.

So, this is my city right now. There is no sign of any progress for my city right now. Just adding bunch of materials. So, it not changing any income at all except i just claiming daily rewards on Discord and get 1 Young Citizen everyday that gives 1 Tax refund daily.

For my ranking i am climbing 2 number on this week. So, it made me to be ranked 153. 3 more to be top 150. But, yeah chill i dont rush to top 150 right now. After i can combine one of WInd Farm or Large Garbage Dump, it surely making my income will increas so much. Maybe i can be at top 150 in instant. So, what i need to do right now is still stick to the financial plan and be patient. Thats for this week report, see you in the next report.

