Poem Called (She Was Suppose To Be Protected)

in FreeCompliments3 months ago

She was suppose to be protected not beheaded and was told she cut from her own peace,
She was suppose to be protected and not raped of her dignity her proud and her softer side,
She was suppose to be protected but instead she was neglected, objected and rejected of the opportunity of the woman she was created to be.

Having to find ways to balance her feminine and masculine energy.
Being the beginning and the end of the loaf of bread she's was suppose to be the winner.
She was suppose to be protected,
Momma's try to talk to you about certain things but not the things we are really suppose to hear especially if she's a drug addict people attend to forget to tell you to be careful what you pray for.

She chose to use her heart and fail to realize that blood still flows in and out from ending to start that mean memories it all comes and goes but it still flows like the ocean underneath the winter moon.
So cold but still feeling what is and seeing what should be, and in the mix of hypertension she still search for what could be.

You see she was suppose to be protected, but she drowning,
drowning in tears that God keeps blessing drowning in fears that God keep protecting drowning in meals that she can't even eat, showers that she can't even step her foot in and piles of clothes that she can't even put a dent in, living out of pile of regret, neglect, and misfortunes because she was suppose to be protected not neglected, rejected, or objected of the opportunity of the woman she was created to be.

This poem came from my heart of the struggle that i have went through
Wrote by me @Mzrika

Also I want to thank everyone who voted on my last post called the crazy that is locked away from the world.
And Also want to go ahead and thank everyone who have voted on this poem.
I'm new to this platform so I don't have that much credit nor hivepower to be able to comment or vote on everyone post but im trying to get their. I will support and follow you all just please be patient with me. Thanks again😊