The Crazy Girl That's Locked Away From The World (Part2)

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

Part 2
Sarah takes a deep breath as tears start to form in her eyes all she could think about is was this is it is this is how her life was gonna end. Sarah thought about her parents and couldn't figure out why her family haven't came to rescued her, did they not care for her anymore all kinds of thoughts was going through Sarah's head. Sarah start to slowly walk around the building she was in being careful not to make to much noise as she hears voices what sound like coming from down the hall, As Sarah begin to walk further down the hall she walked right into one of the men's so Sarah start to run but in up getting caught and put back into the room that she was in. Sarah start to scream and begging to please let her go and repeatedly asking why is you doing this to me, Sarah wouldn't come down so they gave her a shot which calmed her down and Sarah falls asleep. As hours passes by Sarah has awaken from her sleep, she start to look around a notice she is still in this strange place. So Sarah try to think about away that she could escape this strange place. Sarah decided to wait a day or two before she tries to escape again. Two days went by and Sarah has made up her mind that this is the day that she was going to try to escape once again hoping that this time she would find freedom.

As Sarah screams to try to get one of what she thinks her kidnapper attention, one comes into her room to see what is all the commotion is about. Sarah acted like she wanted to apologies about how she has been acting trying to seduce what she think to be her kidnapper, Meanwhile Sarah gets her kidnapper an strangle him to death so Sarah then gets up and head toward the door to see if she sees anyone. With no one in sight Sarah takes off running,
Only to find herself back in this maze.
But this time she finds herself trapped within a labyrinthine maze, with its towering walls what feels like to be closing in on her suffocating tendrils with each twist and turn seemed like it was leading her deeper into a gasp, with no hope of escape insight once again.
As she stumble through the maze's corridors, the walls began to morph and shift, mocking her attempts to find a way out. Whispers echoed through the darkness, taunting her with promises of freedom that remained forever out of reach.
With every passing moment, the grew more intricate, its passage twisting and turning in on themselves until she could no longer distinguish reality from illusion.
Shadows danced at the corners of her vision, and unseen hands seemed to reach out from the darkness grasping at her sanity.
Panic gripped Sarah like a vice as she realized that she was not alone in the same maze.
Something lurked in the shadows, a malevolent presence that hungered for her fear.
Sarah could feel its eyes upon her, watching her every move with malicious intent.

Sarah begins to run and scream for help, panic has took over Sarah mind and body, Sarah breathing started to become heavier and heavier. At this point Sarah body became limb as she falls to the ground, Sarah start to blackout but before her eyes close Sarah sees this shadow figured standing over her saying something to her but all she could hear is mumbling.
When Sarah wakes up she sees different people standing around her with hospital coats on asking her, how does she feel and do she knows where she is. Sarah then takes a look around and starts to breath heavily with this confused look upon her face. Before she could open her mouth to speaks she sees another person walks into her room.
The gentlemen then asked Sarah do she knows who he is, Sarah shakes her head and the gentlemen the speaks and says I'm your psychiatrist, and he continue to let her know that she has been in a mental institution over 3 years and that she been diagnosed with personality bipolar and schizophrenia. And that she has stopped taking her meds and been tricking the doctors of thinking she has been taking her medication.


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