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RE: Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 5 - "We Are Here."

in Vibes2 months ago

Wow, it's been a while I saw your music video and this is quite satisfying. I know the song very well and it preaches about the need for love to reign again in the world.

Well done sir and happy Sunday to you.


Even in my own life, when there is a problem and I don't understand its solution, and life is going into trouble, then I also listen to my favorite songs for some time, then the trouble ends and its A solution must come out.

Music is a great escape and music helps a lot I have to admit.

Oh! I even forgot
He actually nailed the performance...that was a great one sir

Thank you so much, bro. I am really excited and encouraged to be honest. More to come.

Thank you for telling me about this and I am more than happy to join in on it. Thank you for always reaching out and for your kind heart. It means a lot.

You are welcome come sir, I am glad you participated. You voice is awesome and it's a blessing to our ears, well done sir

I feel blessed and encouraged. God bless your heart, brother.