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It is a pleasure to be here and create content of one of the games that I am most passionate about playing, which of course is @splinterlands, this time I want to publish the continuation of the content analysis regarding the new cards that are emerging, taking into account that most of the players of the community, must know the new 21 cards of the "Rewards" edition with the framework of the new edition "Chaos Legion", in that sense and based on them, I will make a series of publications to observe in detail each of these new cards, which already have some weeks accounts in the market, but there is still a lot to print of them.
To cover this analysis, the publications will be made by rarity, this way I can give a better order to the content and a more detailed explanation of each one. I am sure that many players are excited about these new cards, so, continuing with the 2nd part of this analysis, this time we will look at the "Epic Cards".
Without further ado, please join me...
To begin with this new description of cards, I will start with the ones I like the most according to their performance in battle and also the ones I think are the most valuable. Without further ado... Let's get started:

This is one of the cards that has helped me to win some battles, its performance is really good taking into account that, to use it and take advantage of its potential in a better way, we must use it in melee battles, since in just its level 1, it has a great ability called "Thorns", capable of causing damage to our opponent just by physically attacking us (I will give details about this later). Out of this, it is a card that is in the most powerful "Splinter" of the whole game which is the "Dragon", on the other hand, its price in the market confirms this, since the lowest BCX at the time of writing this article, is at $2.10.

Its design at first glance is impressive, a monster with a dragon head and body (No wings), a powerful armor capable of defending it from the most powerful physical attacks, and a pair of weapons in each hand, make this card a difficult monster to beat in battle, at least when we talk about physical attacks specifically. The background color, the drawing detail, and its strokes, plus the new "CL" frame, make this card a true work of art, making it the design I liked the most of these epic cards.
Main stats
Its main stats are something to admire and that you can take advantage of very well, even from level 1, at least as far as I'm concerned. Mainly I must highlight the mana cost to be able to summon it to the field which is 8, high mana, but for certain battles, we can use it comfortably being a great tank, we also have its speed, it is certainly something heavy having only 2 points of speed, however, this compensates it with its life points which are 9 and shield which are 5, in my opinion quite resistant. Finally, his attack power from level 1 is 2 points, not bad to start using this card, however, it gets more interesting, since the more he goes up in level, when he reaches the 6th specifically, his attack power rises to 4 points a destructive melee attack power.
At the beginning I commented on one of the abilities that this monster possessed intrinsically with only its level 1, but, this is not the only ability that this card can have, since as we level it up, we can obtain 2 more that will help this card to be even more dangerous in battle. With this in mind, the abilities are as follows:
Thorns: The first ability that this card possesses since its level 1. It is very easy to interpret, since, when this card is hit with a melee attack, this attack is returned to the attacking card thanks to the thorns that surround this monster, which makes it a very good resistance tank, only with this ability.
Enrage: In addition to having a good defense, and also returning the physical attacks of those who dare to face it when we take this card to level 4, it gains the ability called "Enrage", which when an opposing monster manages to hit an attack, it has the ability to increase its melee attack and its speed making it even more dangerous in battle.
True Strike: We know that the speed of this card is not high, in fact, as I said it is a pretty heavy monster, however, when we take it to its maximum level, which is 6, it gains the ability called "True Strike", which every time it attacks, but its opponent has a higher speed, it cannot miss the attack, which makes this card a very good addition and support for a physical battle with the "Dragon Splinter".
Final Appreciations
This is a really strong card at least when it comes to melee attacks and a tank with great resistance, of course, you have its weaknesses, but, we must know in which exact moments to be able to play it to get the most out of its abilities and aggrandize it. The idea is to play this card when melee attacks have a very good advantage, since, with another set of rules, it may suffer a defeat against magic attacks mainly that directly damage the health of the cards. There are many ways to use it, I hope you can find yours.

This is my second favorite card corresponding to the rarity "Epic" that I am detailing, it is certainly not the second most expensive according to the value of its lowest BCX that is around $ 2.10 at the time of writing this article, but in my opinion, it is a very useful card while dangerous on the battlefield, to say this I base this mainly on their statistics and versatility that provides to use it in basically any rule of battle, plus their great skills that are acquired while we raise this jewel level.

Its illustration despite looking simple, is fresh, a girl with magical powers of both defense and attack, can support their allies in battle thanks to these, besides being a card corresponding to the "Splinter of Life", reflects us the purity that transmits some of the designs regarding the same, its appearance is like that of "My beautiful Genius", a TV show a few years ago in the era of the 80s and 90s, but of course, brighter and updated. Undoubtedly a quite appreciable and delicate work.
Main stats
His main stats in just his level 1, are very good, although with some weaknesses but that is easy to protect if we think strategically. It has a mana cost to summon it to the field of 7 points, which is also high, but depending on the rules of the battle, we can always add it to the team. On the other hand, it does not have a high speed, only having 2 points, which surprises me a little, since at first glance how light it looks, I would expect at least 3 points as a minimum for this card, however, it is not something serious so it can be adapted. As for its attack, it has a very good magic power of 2 points and 6 life points that giving it very good resistance to withstand several attacks.
Now, I must emphasize that the more we have the opportunity to increase the level of this great card, the stronger it becomes, emphasizing especially in its attack power that rises from 2 points at level 1, up to 4 points at level 6. Its life points for all levels are the same, and its speed increases only at level 2 to 3 points and is the same until its last level which is the 6th.
This is the highlight of this card and many, as its abilities significantly increase the power and/or usefulness of a card. In the case of "Djinn Renova", it is not his physical and magical strength that stands out, but his abilities to support the rest of his team on the battlefield, this is really what makes this card dangerous, because besides being able to attack and cause some good problems to some tanks in the game, he is also able to support his allies while they continue attacking and exercising their functions according to a well-guided strategy. In this sense, the skills are the following:
Strengthen: This is a very good ability that gives all the allied team an additional point of life. It is not the only monster in the "Splinter of Life" that does it but imagine a scenario capable of combining some of these cards, honestly, it would be very good and could give an important advantage at the time of playing.
Triage: This is an ability that I like a lot, mainly get it in the "Splinter of Water" teams, but now the "Splinter of Life" already has several cards including summoners with this great ability. Triage heals the health of an allied monster in the rear that has taken the most damage in the course of the battle. This is great, because there are cards also in "Life", with this ability and combining this card with "Chanseus the Great" for example, can really make the life team a pretty tough nut to crack.
Final Appreciations
An amazing support card for the whole "Life Splinter" that, besides being able to defend your teammates and take care of your health, the magic attack power of this card is really good and it is a card that is characterized by versatility of providing both attack and defense in one. Extraordinary true!

This is my third favorite card from the group of 4 of the "Epic" rarity type with the CL frame. Honestly, I had to decide what would be the third-place of these cards, because really "Lava Launcher" is a great card and very powerful addition to the "Fire Splinter" and more if this is combined with certain cards, such for example the great "Yodin Zaku". However, I decided on the life card because of its great support for the whole team while she is on the field, instead, the "Lava Launcher" is a more upfront card, which despite having a ranged attack can attack from the first position. The price for 1 BCX of this card at the time of writing this article is $2.17.

The design of this card is a marvel, an authentic work of art since its illustration has to do a lot with the Splinter where it is based which is the fire one, it has very well cared details, such as the Goblin that is handling a kind of tank capable of launching at long-distance deadly fireballs covered with Lava quite deadly and dangerous, also the tank represents a kind of armor quite striking and with shadows that highlight each of its elements. Anyway, I loved the design of this card, it may look simple, but the details are very well highlighted.
Main stats
Its main stats are really impressive and certainly of the Epic cards with the CL frame of the bounty edition, this is the one with the most stats regarding attack and speed mainly. In such a sense, to summon this monster on the field requires a mana cost of 9, much higher than the previous ones mentioned, this could be a weakness of the card, but, it doesn't mean that it can't work in many rules and battle scenarios. On the other hand, its speed is the highest concerning this type of card, having 3 points from its level 1. Its attack and shield are good, with a defense of 6 points and 5 points of life, making it resistant enough to stay in the field while using its great attack power to face its enemies.
Of course, like all cards, as we go up in level they become more deadly and dangerous, for example, the power from level 1 of this card is 3 points, but at level 6, it reaches an attack power of 5 points, a really powerful attack if you can take advantage of it strategically. In addition, although its speed at all levels is 2 points, this lack, rewards it with more defense reaching 7 points in the shield and concerning life points having a total of 6 in its last level.
Again the highlight of the cards in this fabulous game, of course, is its impressive skills on the battlefield that in this specific card, are very useful because as I mentioned before, combining it with a certain summoner called "Yodin Zaku", can be really dangerous. Even so, not only with this combination can be useful, because based on what this monster can do in the field, there are many ways to take advantage of its strength and abilities in many sets of battle rules. In that sense and having said that I will describe the abilities that this great card of the Fire Splinter possesses.
Close Range: This is a great ability that allows any monster that has a ranged attack to attack from the first position doing a tank job, something that is great because as we all know cards with this type of attack can never attack from the first position. In my opinion, a very necessary ability highlighting that the attack power of this card is very good to be able to take full advantage of it.
Stun: This is a very good ability capable of making the monster that suffers a "Lava Launcher" attack, be stunned and skip its attack for the next turn, which gives a great advantage so that this stunning card can be defeated without being able to defend itself for a full turn.
Final Appreciations
Undoubtedly a great addition to the "Fire" team, which is very versatile concerning the strategies that can be used, also as I commented, the combination of this monster with certain cards is really interesting due to the amount of advantage we can get if we know how to combine this with the rules of battle in a scenario where we take advantage of all our environment.

This is the last card of the "Epic" type that I will describe in this post, it is not the last not because it is the least powerful, but it is the one that in my opinion can be defeated much faster than the others due to its health points of only 2, even so, I do not despise any card, on the contrary, having an "Epic" card with the abilities that this one has, is very very good for melee attacks, highlighting that it is a "Neutral" type card that can be combined with any team. Still, at the time of writing this post, the lowest BCX price for this card is $2.48.

The design of this card is not bad, but it is simpler and simpler than the previous ones, even so, the snake looks very real, the finishes in the shading are very good, its skin is that of a real snake, plus its appearance looks really dangerous with a real sneak attack ability as its intrinsic ability at level 1. I would have liked it to have a more attractive background to give it a little more life, but it's not bad either, in short, I really like the simplicity and the cleanness of the image.
Main Stats
His main abilities are good for the mana cost he has to summon him which is 3 points, his life and speed points are very good, had 2 points for each of them in just level 1, he may seem weak at first and easy to defeat in the first levels, which is the reason why I place him in the 4th position of this post, however, as we level him up, he will no longer be the same easy to defeat snake. On the other hand, at level 1 it has 1 point of attack and shield, not bad to start with this monster.
As I already mentioned, this card will not always be weak, we must keep in mind that as long as we can invest in our deck, our cards will become much stronger, this is the case of "Uraeus", as it is a card of the "Epic" type reaches level 6, which translates into fewer cards, but of course, more expensive. Now, the level increase of this card compared to the others I have described in this post, is really superior, since practically its main stats are doubled, since at level 6 its attack points rise to 3, its speed and life to 4 points and the only thing that remains the same is its shield, without suffering any change in levels.
Again we come to the most interesting part of the analysis I'm doing. As I already mentioned, this "Neutral" type monster can be combined with any "Splinter" in the game, which makes it very valuable, in that sense the only limit to using an effective strategy with this card, is that one of the battle rules is that we can not use neutral monsters, otherwise, the number of strategies in a battle that we can use are many. Based on this, let's look at the abilities of "Uraeus".
Sneak: This is one of the oldest abilities in the game and is still one of the most useful even today. This ability allows the cards that possess it to attack the last card of our enemy's formation. Something very good, since we can devise a pretty good strategy just with this ability, of course, keeping a close eye on the battle rule.
Poison: This is a very dangerous ability that not many cards have, but it is really useful. This ability allows the card that possesses it, when hitting an attack, to have the possibility of applying a poison that causes automatic damage each turn directly to the life points of the attacked card. Something really fantastic.
Final Appreciations
This was a somewhat extensive post, however, I described in detail each "Epic" card with the "Chaos Legion" frame of the rewards edition that we win in each mission and at the end of each season. I hope you like this post, as I put really important aspects of each of these monsters so that new players who join us, can have some idea of the abilities and stats of each card. In another opportunity, I will continue with the "Rare" cards and their details.

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Thanks for sharing! - @carrieallen

wow this is a great article! keep it up!
Thank you very much for the compliment, splinterlands is one of my favorite games and I love to create content from it.
Damn i started to getting into splinterlands!! Nice one...