🗡Monster Hunter🗡 Dreadking Rathalos🐉 against Akami🔥

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Hi! It's been a while I don't make any posts but those weeks were stressful on the job. However, I take the controller to finish the challenge of beating all of the deviant's EX


Welcome travelers to see again another challenge, this time against the Dreadking Rathalos an aggressive wyvern and annoying as sh.t because he is always flying but ill try it whit one of my favorite weapons, the bow.


Well, here we go. into this volcano where I fought the Crimson fatalys whit the insect glaive, a fight I will always remember because was the first time I hunt it in solo.


I decided this time to make hunt him whit a bow because is my favorite weapon and is the last deviant to finish the challenge and another fact, he is always flying throwing fireballs that's makes a oneshot...


Btw I'm hunting him as a gunner, which signifies I have a minus defense to be exactly I have half def as a swordsman for example in swordsman I have 900 def but in gunner, I have 500 def...


This wyvern was all of the fight flyings and throwing fireballs or meteorites that are a bomb occupying a big area from the map or lowing my life because of the heat this fight was really hard and I try it for 2 days but there is nothing that Akami the crimson Hunter can beat


This dude takes me like 37minutes and whit this I hunted all of the deviants in EX level in solo. You are seeing Spanish in the photos, that's because I'm from Latam and that's is my native language. In the next post ill upload something about dark souls or animal crossing.

I just receive a gaming laptop and whit that I'll be able to play the others from software games.

Thanks for reading my post🤗