Assassin’s Creed 3 - Some Excitement Before The Expected Part

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

With the anticipated release of assassin's creed valhalla nearing
Let's take a look at a cool old masterpiece.

There is no word suitable for describing Assassin’s Creed 3 more than (contradictory). As far as the fifth edition of the well-known series offers many of the benefits and innovations required for any special series, the more the game falls into the same boredom traps as the previous versions of it and some subsequent versions as well.

General impression

This publication brings us to the nascent continent of America and the struggle of Americans to liberate their land from the control of the British Crown. Connor joins the Assassins after his training to become a major factor in most of the events of the American Revolution.

If you were a veteran of the Assassin’s Creed series, this version of Odyssey would not be better for you than the current side and missions, which led to a major shift with the version of Origins that helped the series reach new heights in the world of AAA games.

The method of hunting and the use of traps to catch prey and enemies presented by the game is very exciting and allows tactical thinking outside the scope of direct confrontation, but unfortunately it can not be used in most of the main tasks.
But the easiest in the long run is to buy it from any store in a short time.

Here the development role appears in the style of play. The fighting is smoother, especially with the large numbers, and the climbing of trees or buildings is much more fluid.
You can use your followers on sub-missions or send them on other missions to earn money and XP necessary to upgrade them. The sub-missions and some of the main missions are still in the same very tedious segment, and it is a very successful choice for finding it with slight modifications in the later versions until Odyssey. You can escape from the main missions and spend a few hours driving a ship to the Assassins and eliminating the enemies of the revolution.

Despite being the first game in the series, it poses a dilemma that good and evil are two sides of the same coin, and that the path to hell is fraught with good intentions, only an attempt to get to know his father against the background of his attempt to understand civilization first and why it was destroyed and ceased to exist. What appears to the player is that the game tries to explain a lot that may not interest him at all.



With graphics modifications and game development to fit 4K screens and HDR support, unlike the original game you will also get all the released DLC including:

Benedict Arnold's missions is the most famous traitor in American history.

Hidden Secrets missions that take you to the outskirts of the world in the forgotten Maya temples and special abilities that will enable him to confront the deranged king and remove him from his throne. Abilities not found in the basic game such as the ability to hide and summon wolves to help you in the battles.

This is unlike you getting into Assassin’s Creed Liberation, a former exclusive PS Vita starring Aveline, the first major sex spectrum character in the Assassins world. The personality of a member of the slaves helps her to merge between the masses and the hierarchy in the camps and castles, to her personality as a community lady who helps her to entice the guards and enter the high society parties without raising any suspicion.

All this you can get for free with the purchase of the season pass for the previous version Odyssey or purchased separately from the store.


The game ranges from (excellent) in one respect to (not good enough) in other ways.
This version was worth better than this in trying the Remaster but this does not mean that it is not worth playing as it is now.

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