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RE: Arizona Sunshine is a great co-op experience for VR! | First Impressions

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Damn man, the game looks spectacular, I loved it graphically, although I was a bit disappointed that the game will not have a great story that makes it stand out, however killing zombies in VR must not be boring at all, the pose gave me a lot of laugh What did your friend do, a question man, is the game scary? I mean, when the zombies are around, don't you get scared? that's important to me in any zombie game


The game wasn't all that scary outside in the sunshine but once we got into the mines it was quite creepy. We have to light up the place ourselves with a flashlight and if you're turning around and suddenly staring into the face of a zombie that's scary for sure. It's an uncomfortable feeling when they come running at you as well.

holy shit, it must be super mega scary, it is VIRTUAL REALITY! LOL