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RE: Arizona Sunshine is a great co-op experience for VR! | First Impressions

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Now I come with this to a conclusion all zombie games are to be played with friends I had a similar experience with L4F2 and Dead Island, if killing zombies is fun to do it with friends as if it were an apocalypse makes it more so.

How brutal is Arizona Sunshine although it scared me a little everything, I can't imagine playing it in VR and a zombie pouncing on me hahahahahah. Good post mate @pusen, I'll add the Oculus to the wish list for Christmas to try it out.


Yeah, zombie games in general are definitely great for coop. L4D, Dead Island, Dying Light, 7 Days to Die and the list goes on.

Cool! I'll probably have a lot of games to recommend by the time you get the Oculus.