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RE: Getting Somewhat Polemical: Commenting on a post about Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

in Hive Gaminglast month

Wybacz, że tak późno. Praca, początek wiosny, ludzie, druga praca.

  • Your quote

= - My answer

Just to make it clear, my answer is not supposed to be criticism per se — I mostly agree with the opinions expressed in the original post — but rather a sort of commentary and an attempt to look at the same thing from a slightly different perspective.
= I think the differences between our opinions are mainly due to the fact that I spent a long time in Night City and got stuck. In other words, when you spend too long with a toxic friend or a girl with whom you don't get along well, you stop paying attention to certain things. My initial impressions were more similar to your opinion based on Google Stadia and the current review.

Or, maybe not exactly... my opinion about C2077 is a bit self-contradictory. On the one hand, the game has a solid place on my personal Top 20 of All Times, on the other, I agree with most of the well-deserved criticism it has received so far. For that reason, I can only nod along when reading herosik's post.
= About the same for me. The game has strong advantages, but it was also dramatically underdeveloped. It is not a coincidence that CDPRed changed the way of creating games (this is the production cycle at the stage of coding and introducing game mechanics), and it is no coincidence that games around the world have been made in this way for years, such as the creation of CP 2 or The Witcher 5.

This game could have been a milestone, the Fallout of our age, but its potential was largely wasted. Probably due to the push for quick release made by the publisher, Warner Bros, in a typical megacorp fashion.
= Well, that's what I was talking about above xD.

Does it mean that the game in its current state deserves to be praised more than its initial release? I don't think so, but we'll come back to that question a bit later.
= In my opinion, it deserves more praise etc. but on the other hand, this patch should have appeared much earlier. Why? Because it's a AAA game that was full of various bugs until version 2.0 was released. If it weren't for the approach of CDPRed fanboys and other studio enthusiasts, the company could have gone bankrupt.

Now, that's hardly exciting, is it? And yet, unlike Mr Herosik I quite enjoyed working for the fixers. Maybe I didn't play the original tabletop game or ever read the sourcebooks, but it seems to me that all those small jobs make the essence of the Cyberpunk setting.
= I expressed myself wrong. the tasks were completed as well as in The Witcher 3. But on the other hand, I don't have many objective reasons to praise them apart from the subjective "I liked it!" (a reference to a slogan that is popular in Poland - you list errors, say what doesn't work and how, and then one guy comes and says "eh, what you say is not true. I liked it."

If I'm getting the original post right, Mr herosik thinks that the game has become better to some extent and would give it a higher rating than just after release. Despite being a fan of C2077, I cannot agree with this. Yes, I appreciate the painstaking work put into creating tons of bugfixes and patches, as well as adding new content. It's just that the vast majority of these bugs should have disappeared already in the beta phase.
= Well, I agree with what you said. And I even talked about it several times in different places. I just got used to it (reference to the beginning of my answer) ;p

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