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RE: Windbound on PS4: Not really my thing

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

I don't have any experience with survival games, but it's good to know that there are people like you who are dedicated to testing them and giving their impressions. You are quite clear in everything you say, I have had the opportunity to try some games of other genres where the expectations at the beginning are high because of the good graphics they may have, but once you get into the game completely you realize that it is complete garbage.

I really liked how you developed your impression of "Wind", sadly it earned a negative vote from you. Hopefully the next game you try will have better luck xD


Thanks pal. I have found that I have a very low tolerance for games that focus so much on graphics and not near enough of making a good game. In the past few years some of my favorite games are ones with graphics that the PS2 could probably handle but the gameplay was a lot of fun. Fantastic graphics doesn't necessarily make a great game!