For this week's challenge that is about dragons I chose the card Carnage Titan which is an incredible combination of defense and attack, despite its mana cost being quite high it is the type of card you will want to have by your side in battles because it will give you many victories.
Carnage Titan is a legendary card from the chaos legion edition that was recently released as the eighth airdrop, but what really makes it special and has a higher value than the other cards in this edition is its incredible usefulness in battles, because its stats are quite strong and their abilities as well.
Since level 1 he already has very strong stats, especially in life and shield which are quite high, his attack is only 2 at this level but that's no problem because he has the Double Strike ability that allows you to attack 2x in the round so he it will do a lot of damage even with 2 attack, but the more attack it has the stronger it will be and that's why for the battle I used the summoner Daria Dragonscale that will increase the attack of it and other melee cards by +1, but I'll leave it to talk about that shortly.
In addition to the Double Strike ability he also has the Reach ability that allows him to attack from the second position since it is a melee card and this is very useful because as it is also a great offensive card having him defending in the first position cannot be the best strategy because he is weak against cards with magic attack, so having a card in the first position to defend before him is better because then he can do as much damage as possible before having to defend.
At higher levels like level 2 he only changes the amount of attack that becomes 3, at level 3 he continues with the same stats but gains the Shield ability that makes him an even better defensive card because with this ability he receives the reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks, and the longer it spends on the battlefield the more damage it will do and the better it will be for your other cards because they won't have to defend anytime soon, so it's a great combination of abilities for this card.
In battle I used the Carnage Titan at level 1 because I'm in the bronze league so I wasn't able to use it at a higher level, but it was incredibly useful in battle and without it the outcome would have been different.
Besides them I used other cards that I will quote below.
As I mentioned before Daria Dragonscale, she was the summoner that I chose for the battle because she increases the attack of melee cards by +1 and this will be very useful for the Carnage Titan since it attacks 2x and also for my other melee cards , since having more attack is always a good thing.
Cursed Windeku was my chosen card to defend the first position because it has a lot of health and enable Thorns which is very useful against melee cards as it does 2 damage to them when they attack Cursed Windeku.
Carnage Titan is my second position card because he is able to attack from it because of its Reach ability and it is also a great position for him to do as much damage as possible before having to defend.
Life Sapper is my third position card, it is a card with magic attack that has the Life Leech ability that makes it gain life when it attacks a card.
Soul Strangler is my fourth position card, it is a ranged attack card that has no abilities.
Xenith archer is my fifth and last card, it's a ranged attack card that also doesn't have abilities.
In the battle my opponent chose to use the death deck with the summoner Thaddius Brood that reduces the magic attack and the health of my cards, but only the life reduction will be useful since I only have one card with magic attack and it has only 1 of attack which is the minimum allowed in battle, but having health reduced by 1 will still be a problem as less health means more vulnerability for my cards.
Round 1:
At the beginning of the first round my Life Sapper card was quickly defeated because it had only 1 health and it was targeted by my opponent's Death Elemental card that has the Snipe ability, so at the beginning of the battle having reduced health already proved to be a problem because if it wasn't for that she would still be in battle.
Having Daria DragonScale was a great choice because having her to increase the attack of my melee cards made it easier for my opponent's Cursed Windeku to be defeated in the first round and that was very important for the battle because he was his main defense.
The round ended with my Xenith Archer card being defeated by my opponent's Silent Sha-Vi.
Round 2:
At the beginning of the second round again another card of mine is targeted by my opponent's Death Elemental and this time it was the Soul Strangler to be defeated because of Thaddius Brood's life reduction.
My opponent made a big mistake which was to put a ranged card in second position and as they can't do damage when they are in first position this card became useless for him as soon as Cursed Windeku was defeated and in this same round this card was also defeated.
In addition to Damphir Stalker, my opponent's Silent Sha-Vi was also defeated in the second round and my only loss was Soul Strangler.
Round 3:
In the third round I didn't lose any more cards to my opponent's Death Elemental but he still did damage to my Cursed Windeku.
Again my opponent makes the mistake of putting a ranged card in the front positions and another card of his becomes incapable of attacking.
As the Carnage Titan attacks 2x because of its Double Strike ability and as my opponent's remaining cards have low health he was able to defeat 2 cards in a single round.
With only 1 card left from my opponent on the field and she has low health, Cursed Windeku defeated her soon after and the battle came to an end.
Each card played an important role in this battle, although some were defeated before they were able to attack, but the large amount of damage the Carnage Titan dealt in the battle was what really made this victory possible, the Cursed Windeku was also quite important since he was able to defend until the end without being defeated and this allowed the Carnage Titan to do as much damage as possible before having to defend in the first position and his Thorns ability was also of great help since my opponent has it 2 melee cards on the battlefield. And we also have Daria Dragonscale who increased the attack of my melee cards and it was thanks to her that this battle didn't last more rounds since having that extra damage allowed my opponent's cards to be defeated faster.
He was called Holicrai the Magnificent and without doubt, he was the finest Gloridax guardian in the history of the land. He was as feared as some of the dragons that lived on Dragon’s Roost. The people of Draykh-Nahka would sing songs about him, and the ancient scholars would say that the sagas told about him didn’t do him justice. When he passed to the other side, they took his armor and displayed it in the Warrior’s Hall, deep within the Centrum. His bones were laid to rest in the Guardian’s Chapel on the far side of the city, a shrine open to the people so they might pay their respects for all he had done.
It cost Morloth, the crazed tinker, not a single penny to acquire the armor. The Chaos Legion had brought it to him, together with a long, thick bone from the chapel’s tomb – probably the femur he guessed. He didn’t ask them how they’d come by it, and the strange man that conveyed the delivery was most peculiar indeed. He wore a long black coat and top hat, with a bizarre beaked mask and shimmering green amulet about his neck, carrying a lantern that pierced the night. He spoke to himself as much as he did to Morloth, and by the end of their conversation, the tinker wasn’t sure who he was more afraid of, the entire Chaos Legion that had descended upon the land, or this one strange man that was standing before him.
Using the green crystals that he’d fuelled the Disintegrator with, Morloth set to work hammering away at the pieces of armor and fusing parts of the bone to the metal. Night passed into morning, as he sharpened its metal fingers into deadly claws, each one as long as his forearm. Then daylight came and went, the cycle repeating until he had lost complete track of time. He took sips of water from the various flasks that littered his workshop, and when the paltry reserves of food ran out, he chewed upon the green crystals themselves, sucking the energy from them. Partway through his labors, Morloth had to drag his creation from the workshop and set a canvas tent outside to continue, so big was the masterpiece. When it was time to attach the head, he rolled the lump of metal across the ground and fused it to the shoulders. Finally, he started work on the impressive helm that would conceal the giant green crystal that fuelled the creation’s mind and body.
When finished, Morloth collapsed in a state of complete exhaustion. He awoke later to find that his creation was gone. The terrible Carnage Titan had come to life and left him whilst he slept. He never did learn where his golem had gone, but then, nor did he discover how fortunate he was that it didn’t tear him to pieces before it left.
“We finally have him!” Shale felt her heart pounding and the blood race through her veins.
“He’ll not escape us now,” the burly sergeant growled beside her. “Calm yourselves and let my men through.”
Shale turned and motioned to her people. There was anger and rage in their eyes, but fear as well, plenty of that. Some carried pitchforks and picks, while others had grabbed old weapons, rusted swords, and axes. They looked like an unruly mob, one that wanted satisfaction, one that wanted answers for the devastation wrought upon them, but the soldiers were here now, and it was for them to carry out justice.
“Let the soldiers through, let them take him!” she called with raised hands.
She saw flashes of armor through the gaps as warriors forced their way between the throngs. Some of the mob shouted curses at the man cornered against the rock face, others looked relieved that it was all coming to an end. And then the laughter started. It was a flightless titter at first, barely audible above the commotion, but then it grew into a crazed cackle. The noise echoed within the beaked mask he wore, making him sound like a complete lunatic.
“That’s enough of that, Blight,” the sergeant barked. “Your reign of madness has come to an end. Put him in chains, men.”
“Enough of this, enough of that,” Blight chattered between prolonged bouts of laughter. “Madness will never end, it has a hold of us all you know.”
As the soldiers started towards him a metallic shriek ripped through the air, reducing everyone to silence apart from the deranged sniggers of Blight. A giant shape stepped from the cave nearby, the mob’s torchlight flickering across its black and silver armor. Two red eyes burned from within the horned helm and long, vicious claws twitched as its gauntleted hands flexed.
Shale gasped. It must have been three times as tall as the sergeant standing beside her. She could feel the panic spread behind her, quickly followed by the sounds of tools and weapons being dropped to the ground and footsteps running away. She would have joined them, but she was rooted to the spot, fear curling about her legs and holding her firmly in place.
The soldiers turned towards this new threat and charged, only for the front rank to be swept aside by a devastating backhand from the creature, sending them flying into rock and bushes. The other warriors hesitated, coming to a halt as Blight’s voice twisted into an evil sneer.
“Finish them my beautiful titan, reap complete and utter carnage!”
And so he did.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121
Well played on the battleground and nice card selection