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RE: Diablo IV Early Access Beta | The Early Madness

in Hive Gaminglast year

Try to get a key, to see if I can play, I'm also thinking of buying it using WOW tokens, it looks amazing, I hope my computer doesn't let me down, I'm really hyped for this game.


I hope the open beta over the upcoming weekend will allow anyone to play. Then you can at least see how your system handles it.

With 16 gigs of system ram I had to turn down a lot of settings to keep from crashing.

 last year  

Don't scare me with that haha, I think the open beta will be on March 24, so it won't be long now, there are really high expectations with this one, since diablo Immortal, in my opinion, was bad.

DI sucked.

Yep 24-26 for open beta.

Just make sure you have 85 gigs of disk space free and I’m sure you will be fine. This game is not small!