First Mining Barge in Survival - Space Pod Start [Space Engineers]

Hey all, anyone here play Space Engineers?

I just got back into it after a six year hiatus, and found myself making pretty much the same first ship as back then: A small grid mining barge designed for tunneling.


The start is a bit different from what it was back then, with ion thrusters now being a high end item, but I got the necessary components by grinding down a superfluous thruster on the pod.

It's a simple design that's easy to make when starting out, and it is efficient on materials. the tradeoff is that it's not very maneuverable when full, but it gets the job done.

While I'm waiting to find platinum for big ion thrusters, I almost finished my factory station and the hydrogen powered industrial mining barge 2.0, here in the works:



I'm really enjoying the game again and mostly posting this to see if anyone else here is playing and/or interested in seeing my future creations (which should be a bit more ambitious.)

GL;HF out there :)

PS: The small barge is on the Steam Workshop, if anyone wants to give it a try.


Never heard of the game. It looks a bit like EVE, which I used to enjoy quite a bit, before it became too bulky to run well on my old hardware with Linux. I think I may give this game a look.

Well the only real similarity is that they both include space ships ^^

Space engineers is more like playing with Legos - in space.

Sounds more my speed these days, EVE required a PhD to really understand. 😂

I meant more the gameplay style than the difficulty level, but it's less complex than EVE, yes. In Space Engineers, you design and build ships and stations block by block with mined, refined, and assembled components. So it doesn't have much in common with the MMO EVE.

Definitely worth a try either way ;)

You can also do that sort of ship-building in EVE, you just have to do it while constantly defending your miners, refineries, and assembly plants from pirates, competition, and random jerks.

It certainly sounds worth a try, I've been looking for a new game to get into.

Well, try it or watch the video I'm planning to make :) (or anyone else's :P) I think you will see the difference (I also played EVE). It may be harder to describe than to show in action.