Serfdom and Sorcery: Cave Exploration

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

The new command added to the game is !explorecave, and you can use this to find some Iron and Granite to build some new items. You could also to find the mystical cerberus, of which, there will only be 30.

SketchyGamerGuy (6).png

No one knows what Cerberus will do yet, but Draconian Overlord promises it is the biggest accomplishment possible in the game at this time.

Along with this new update, there is also three new stats to support your exploration: Charisma, Luck, and Dexterity. You can upgrade these stats with !upgrade statname.

In the cave, you will encounter many riddles, spooky mist, and maybe a few sketchy bears.

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Serfdom and Sorcery can be played on the PsyberX discord server:

PsyberX Discord

I've been having a lot of fun playing the game, and Draconian Overlord is always adding more content to the game. It's been tough to keep up with all the changes, but it's been one hell of a ride!


ooh nice you got some granite they are gonna make big weapons

That's the goal!

Can any character class use this new command or is it class specific?

BTW the answer to what belongs to you but is more often used by others is your name. 😂😂😂