Hearthstone Deck List

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, it's Dizzybee. I wanted to share the decks i'm currently using on Hearthstone to rank up in the new ranked system! Silver 4 so far, but i've been having fun playing a lot Whizbang decks to see what the meta is looking like, and with priests getting a big buff this time, i made sure to include a priest deck in the list. Many changes are underway in Hearthstone due to the new Demon Hunter class addition, but also some balance changes with nerfs and buffs for several classes. I think its a good time to beat the meta and get some quick ranks before the patch. Sadly Leeroy Jenkins is no longer amongst us as he was recently transferred to Wild. Sad times indeed, all that 6 damage to the face ownage will be sorely missed.


My most played classes so far are Paladin and Hunter and Shaman. Paladins used to be so op with their equality consecrate combo, but since that got nerfed i've recently noticed the increasing viability of paladin aggro decks with the addition of more and more murloc cards and powerful low-cost cards. New pala buffs and the reborn damage boost card make it a sticky yet high damage output deck. Here's the aggro pala deck i made:

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Deck Code:

Despite their lowest win-rate overall on HSreply.net I think shamans are still viable in the meta. With all the card generation potential from Hagatha in late game, as well as Bloodlust full board +3 damage which i think is so OP. The invoke Galakrond cards are just there to fill in the midrange but I think this deck is pretty powerful. With Zentimo + 2x hex and 2x earth shock it's guaranteed to be a good counter to priest with all the resurrect decks out there!

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Next up is Priest. Will Blizzard ever get tired of giving priest more board clear? I think not. With so much removal priest is arguably the only deck without a clear counter. They have 2 damage AOE, Mass hysteria which pretty much counts as a board clear, the recent buffs to Shadow word Death, Holy nova and Thoughtsteal which are now cheaper (so OP), and last but not least Plague of Death which is a full board silence and board clear. Galakrond card generation is the cherry on top as you never run out of priest minions to play late game, when healing is needed just play your Sandhoof Waterbreaker for +5 every turn. Shadow Madness also got buffed, and Cabal Shadow priest is great in the current meta as there are plenty of low cost value grabs available against hunter and other priests. Overall this deck will simply outlast your opponent in the control matchups, but also consistently clear boards against aggro.

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With hunters still on top with the highest overall win-rate, no deck list would be complete without one! This is a fun dragon aggro Hunter deck with a twist. I pretty much put all the face damage cards i could find, mixed in a few traps and dragons, voila! With the right draws and tempo this one is bound to get you some wins.

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So there you have it! Four of my best decks for some fun but also hopefully succesful ownage on the ladder, let me know if they work for you.

You can add me on Battlenet @dizzybee #21103 for some games! I also play Heroes of the storm quite a lot and Warcraft 3 sometimes.

Stay sustainable,
