[Straw Plays] Still Wakes the Deep - Part Two (Rennick Has Turned!)

in Hive Gaminglast month


Today we get to continue running away from an unknown monster and trying to save our crewmates. Things only get worse since last time and it's starting to feel like the entire rig is about to collapse. Still not sure what this monster is but it seems to be turning everyone into horrible things that love to chase you around. There were a lot of such chases in this episode and it was thrilling as hell.

I am having a great time with this game so far and it's way scarier than I expected it to be. There's so much going on and it feels like every step could kill you on this oil rig. Before we know it, we are stuck on here with no way to get back home.

If that weren't bad enough, the horrible boss that was already kind of a monster turns into something even worse.


 last month  

That was lucky, a little late to catch that helicopter...lol

I love the setting for this one, it is very unique. And the weather, especially the fog makes it so much better.

Did they tell you what that 'thing' is? Scary stuff.

Haha yea this guy Caz definitely has luck on his side so far. The fog and rough sea make it so good.

They did not and I hope we'll be able to find out what it is before the game is over.

Oh my looks like am watching a movie on something, everything looks real

Haha yea they did an amazing job with the graphics in this game.

I can see that they really did