It's been proven that one of the best businesses you can have is within the gambling industry. People will always play. When the economy is good, people play for pleasure. And when the economy goes bad, even more people play. And I've heard Aggroed before pitching for a casino-type game and I guess this is Stakehouse Den now.
Stakehouse Den is a yet to be released game from Arcade Colony and they have already released a whitepaper which you can check out here. I know that gambling is intended to be a fun and leisurely activity like with tourists visiting Las Vegas casinos. But gambling can also have a negative side to it too as it can be very addicting. And when I check the whitepaper, I was surprised at how Stakehouse Den is planned to be structured.
In the introduction of the whitepaper, it says no consideration is needed when playing. I am guessing this means you would not need to bet anything and but you do get to win COLONY tokens. This is a new concept for me and I am liking the idea.
So they plan to release four casino games first, roulette, video blackjack, video poker, and slots. And if there's one game that I like to play, it's slots, so I'm guessing I would spend a lot of time in it. I also like blackjack, but I would definitely play poker as I am bad at that game.

Packs and Hot Sauce
So from what I can surmise, the idea is for players to stake cards and script tokens. These staked assets will gain players hot sauce which in turn can be used in casino games instead of depositing outside funds. This means that Arcade Colony will be getting their revenue mainly from selling card packs. Their initial card pack set, Ladyluck, will have 200,000 supply. The initial 25,000 was offered at a pre-sale price of $2 or 2 script tokens. It quickly sold out and I didn't get a chance to get some myself. There will still be a general sale but the regular price is double the pre-sale at $4 or 4 script each.
I think Stakehouse Den would be a much bigger and popular game than Moonkarts. Casino games are very well-known and played by numerous people. Even people who don't usually play games will know a few casino games as well. The launch of Stakehouse Den might just be the catalyst that Arcade Colony needs to gain momentum. I'm definitely looking forward to it.