Days Gone: The Massacre At Marion Forks

in Hive Gaming11 months ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

The last episode of Days Gone was a bit touchy to the heart, a bit too much I would say. Deacon has been getting flashbacks more and more as of lately, now it's not necessarily a bad thing but it is keeping his head out of the game a little. I think the cause of this might be spotting the NERO helicopters every now and then, may be that it is giving hope for Sarah his lost lover.

Now see the thing about NERO is getting a whole deal scarier everytime I come across them, the first time I found them investigating some tunnel system in the mountains and after that they tried to catch one of those wretched freaker children no doubt for research of course, well that's what I think. Whatever the case may be, don't they think it's a bit of a risk taking one of those things to where ever they have remained safe until now.

Seems a bit stupid if you ask me.

The Ambush At Robber's Pass

Well no point in sticking around, the NERO chopper sure as hell ain't coming back for me now is it!

As I wanted to jump on the bike Tucker radioed me with some more information regarding this girl that was spotted in a nearby town. I was to meet up with one of her men at the location and search through the place with him.

Well I suppose I know where I'm headed this time around.

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On my way down to this little town on the edge of the world I came upon someone lying face down in the middle of a dirt road.

Naturally as old Deeks always does, I want to extend a helping hand.

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Before I knew it they were upon me, I wasn't even able to get of the motorcycle before getting cut and slashed at.

I did however manage to get away and put a bullet straight through the first drifters face!

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The second one, well he was the better man. He managed to give me a few knocks all the while dodging the bullets I threw at him.

Shame, they would have been a great ambushing party if only his friend had what he had.

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While swinging his punches he slipped in behind me and grabbed me around the throat, now what he didn't know was that Old Deeks has been caught like this many a time before.

It didn't take me long at all to get free form his grip!

After that he was in for a storm of shit and I doubt he was ready to meet his maker!

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Before I untied the bloak lying in the middle of the road I went to read the memorial stone by the benches underneath the trees, turns out this place is famous for robbers. It's even named The Robber's Pass.

Who knew.

Oh yeah I should have probably untied the bloak in the road first right. 🤣

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Making My Way To Marion Forks.

After clearing out a long lost NERO checkpoint and stopping by Hot Springs Survivor Camp I was finally able to get back on the road with what needed done and I needed to get to this little town.

I wasn't planning on just gunning it in with the motorcycle load as hell... No I've learned some lessons, some harder than others. I stopped on a hill next to the town scouting it out a little, I didn't see many freakers and even less drifters.

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Suppose I should head down then, nothing else to be done sitting on the hill side.

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I was barely in town when I heard the screams of those horrid freaker children. Those things are nasty and when they scream so wildly you can be sure that they found something to prey on, this something would most likely be a human!

Without delay I picked up my pace, I saw them from a distance so I knew more or less exactly where I needed to head, as if the insanity screams weren't enough to guide me.

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It was the guy Tucker sent me to meet, he must not be one of Tucker's elite members since they would have never got themselves caught in such a colossal mess.

I swear if I stop saving people's arses from getting torn apart there would be little or no people left in this god forsaken world!

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Well there I was at the lumbering pancake shop or whatever they called it back in the day, it's nothing but a landmark now. A pretty good one at that!

Now let's see if this mystery woman that I was searching for really exists or if the people who claim they saw her aren't going mad.

My best bet would be that it was just some freaker kid running about.

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Why does there always have to be Rippers showing up!?

Every damn step I take these rippers take to it! Everywhere I go I run into them! Are they so damned pissed at me for helping my brother by killing two of their men? And to top it off that was AGES ago!

They can surely hold a grudge ey!

What's the difference between a ripper and a freaker? Well the one seems to be carrying a gun but is none the fucking wiser!

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There was quite a few rippers that showed up in Marion Forks and they came in from different directions. At first I thought I was as screwed as screwed can be... they had me surrounded and trapped, somewhat at-least. The worst part was the sniper on the second floor balcony who covered a semi open piece of ground that I had to cover.

Well I had this idea and it included bolting as fast as I can out of the building. If I was going to die it would either be inside or outside of the house at-least when I'm charging straight down on the guy I'd be dying with some dignity right?

I gathered up the courage and ran as fast as these old knees could carry me!

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Well the rest was history, I ran into a whole lot more of those rippers. They really put up a fight but at the end of the day I burned and bombed them out of there hiding places!

They were no match for this lone survivor and his trusty motorcycle!

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I even managed to burn myself in the process, but as they say if you return with scars the warring was good!

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Finding Lisa

Well I'll be blunt I don't really want to ruin this deeply emotional cut-scene. I am surprised that this mission was actually a big part of the main story line, or so it would seem.

I found Lisa and she was no freaker kid, she was alive and well, somewhat. How she even managed to survive for almost two years on her own is mind blowing especially with all the activity in the area.

If you are really keen on watching this part of the video you can skip to 30:00 minutes in. Or you can watch the whole video from the start. I don't have any voice with it but I'm a good shot if I have to say so myself. 😂 Giving that the game is on HARD.

When I'm done with the game I'll watch all the cut scenes in a movie form to get a better flow of the story as it went on.

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One thing I can say is that Old Deeks is certainly not one built for comforting other people. He has absolutely no idea what to do in this situation.

It's quite hilarious.

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Dated 02/06/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


Lisa's story is a sad one! This isn't the last time you will see her!

This was a fun one to write up! The story is getting a lot more emotional with every cut scene I go through!

I do hope to see her again! I really want to continue playing but I'll leave the next episode for next Friday. 😂


You have advanced quite a bit in the game, the truth is that I'm still impressed by its graphic quality and its character mobility, very good game for my taste.

Laughs, even me bud! I was surprised the first time I played it! You can put it on your wishlist on steam and it will notify you when the game is on sale!


Even in real life, there will be people like NERO, there is always a fool, it will get out of hand if they take sick people and take them where there are healthy people.

The story is pretty good.

That is true, the world is more sick than we think it is! I'm a big conspiracy theorist 😄 I don't generally always believe it but it's nice digging into the stuff!



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