Getting Mauled By A Beast Bear! (Red Dead Redemption 2)

in Hive Gaming5 days ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Going Hunting?

Now this seems like something fun to do!?

At-least I think so... Seems like we're going to hunt one of the biggest bears that Hosea has ever had the privelage of witnessing! Now if it really is that big we will have to see!

It seems like a good change of scenery and a nice break away from this place! Without a doubt!

I did tell Hosea that I have all I need but I mean I do only have the pistol and hunting a bear with a pistol and a knife? Not sure buddy!

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A Small Detour!

Now here's the thing we did need money, well we still do and every penny we can gather!

So Hosea made me this offer to sell the horse and buy one that is meant for traveling instead of working and what we need is a horse that can travel and fast if need be! So we decided on selling it before making our trip towards where the bear is located!

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A Better Deal!

This for sure was a better deal! No I don't risk losing my horse if that bear goes haywire and decides to romp up everything and we've got a useable horse!

To top it off we now have a horse with some papers and that makes is so much more legit to say the least! The legitness of it!

Let's get out there!

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Hosea is pulling me up high into the mountains for this bear! But then again a bear so big must be in a hard to find place right! I mean how else did it get so big in the first place!

Have to tread carefully now!

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The journey was perilous and we arrived somewhat late to where we wanted to be, we decided that hunting a rabbit and setting up camp was the best idea!

So I pulled the pistol and hunted some wild rabbit!
Must be good cooked crispy over a fire!

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Getting a good nights rest in was ultimately the best idea before going bear hunting! I mean hella heck! You got to be on your top game and especially so with such a larger bear trying to kill you back!

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The first stop we made in the morning was near the lake... The best place to start looking for this bear!

Just like us they also have to eat and unlike us they have to eat a whole bunch more! So he might have made another turn here at the lake to catch a fish!

Got to fall on a track there!

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Here's the thing!

Finding the bear was the all time easy part!

It was killing the bear that was the hard part! Yup! That's a beast of a bear and it was likely not to just fall over from a few bullets! Nah!

This thing was going to give a fight!

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We made the mistake of checking up on the bait and all of a sudden there was bear charging down on us like nothing we've ever seen before!

What choice did I have other than to try and clap it as fast as I could! I had to! Otherwise I'd be like the dead fish we found! Half eaten and bled out!

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After the bear ran away from the first few rounds I planted into it, I went again hunting it down!

Now that might have been the biggest mistake I have ever made!
I found it and for some reason I thought that I might be able to clap it with my pistol! Not a great idea that one!

It mauled me to bits! And when I tried hunting it down with the big rifle again things got a little dull! I just couldn't find it again!

So I decided that it was better left for another day and so in the next episode I'll spend a few minutes trying to track it down but I wont give it too much thought!

Got to get some fresh content for the peeps!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

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Also if you feel like wagering some of your Counter Strike Skins might be a fun place!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Hunting a bear with just a pistol? That's intense. But the bear was massive, and it clearly wasn't going down without a fight. I'd say its a smart call leaving it for another day and I guess you better bring something bigger than a pistol next time.

Yup! I made a massive mistake didnt I xD a massive one!! Anyways the pistol wellllll the pistol did not work! I think that only made the bear angry, thats all....

Next time I'll get something that has a nice big slug!!!

I still remember how hard it looked at the first time but when I got a hang on these features, especially the dead eye ability, I became a pro shooter and these bear were nothing to me later.