Scratch Vs Stock: Well It Was A Failure!

in Hive Gaming24 days ago
Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Time For Another Failure?

Well we shall get to that momentarily! For now I think I am going to make this Supra my daily driver! It really is a fun thing to drive and besides it is one of the wildest cars I have!

Yesterday while driving around I got the notion to get another one, perhaps a drift build in that? And another where I make it a rally build?

What are the thoughts on that!?

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To The Accolades!

Okay so the Vocho series is one that I've shared before... Although not all of them because most of them were some true failures!

Anyways I am jumping back on that wagon trying to get three stars for all of them, something that really seems impossible now!

This specific race is called "Scratch VS Stock" and it is exactly that! I'm not sure which one I am driving though! Laughs!

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The First Run!

Well the first run was a failure to say the least!

The time I had to beat to get three stars was 1:34 which really seems close enough to near impossible!

I almost made it I really did! Not like I won the second race, I lost that one as well! Although not as bad!

So yeah don't be confused when you see me doing the same race twice! It was planned... well not really but yeah!

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The Second Race!

Now I did a great deal better but I just couldn't catch that timer! It's actually somewhat of a shame to say the least ey!
Me almost making it and then failing when coming so close to victory!

Perhaps a win saved up for another day!

I managed to get a outstanding time of 01:37.6! That was so close! Only 3.6 seconds longer than it needed to be! I'm sure if I run it a couple of times more I might get it, you know... learning the corners and all that!

Well something for a different day!

Cheers and peace out! Stay safe and most of all stay Blessed!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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 23 days ago  

AJAJAJ clearly you did the race twice because the first one was very easy, I was watching the video you shared and the feeling of speed and control in the car with this game looks very good, in general I don't like racing games but when it excels in those things I don't mind racing a few times.

I generally don't like racing games myself but this one really managed to steal my heart!

When I got the game at first I told my buddy that it was a mistake.. look at me now! I can't stop playing it 🤣🤣