Rimworld a Cannibal Tribe History 2

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is Zighue, and today we are going to play rimworld.
This is a second post in the series, I leave the link to the first:

As I have already said, living in these lands is difficult and dangerous, Hakuja and Senra were almost killed by the puma attack.
After the attack, our healer Hakuja prepared an ointment from the herbs we possess and made the bandages that saved our lives.

After recovering a little from the wounds, we turned our focus to the expansion of the village, and also to food, we want individual rooms, we often wake each other up during the night which makes us unhappy and sometimes irritated.
With the focus on the work we managed to make a pile of wood, which is enough to build the rooms for everyone and left over for firewood and maybe another building for the animals.
Taking advantage of the planning time, Caamb said it was time for us to name our faction and the name he chose was Camcam Confederation.

Good as part of the planning is to use our corral to have several animals, and also horses to facilitate the withdrawals that we will carry out for food.
So we started trying to domesticate some wild animals that are nearby, let's start by feeding them and then trying to get them inside our fence.

Also how we still haven't got any human flesh that isn't our own. Let's try to hunt some more animals like rabbits and other bigger animals.

One of the horses that was running around our village a few days ago was easily caught by Senra, and now we're going to see if we can train it to ride and use it for the raids we're going to do.


Ñocol demonstrates here that he has no hunting ability:

It's a good thing we don't just depend on him for hunting:

Even Senra manages to be a better hunter than Ñocol:

On the other hand, the rice plantation is already starting to get close to the point for harvesting, but many wild animals have been prowling the area looking for food, it worries us that Serna has already seen a Warg and someone commented about howling on a moonlit night full.

Crocodile said she needs a better bench to work on researching better weapons, and for that she needs Metals, so she located an area near our cave where we can extract a large amount.

We then started to produce this bench and also a table to better accommodate our group. A large fire pit for food and torches for lighting.

Instead of researching weapons, Crocodile secretly begins researching our ideology's longstanding beliefs about the psychotropic way of life.

We are increasingly able to attract animals and domesticate them to serve as food and also for trade later on.
The last animal we brought into our fence was a Llama.

A great dry storm formed in the region and with many rays coming from the sky the inevitable happened, a fire of great proportions started in the valley below, luckily our privileged position left us safe from these fires.A great dry storm formed in the region and with many rays coming from the sky the inevitable happened, a fire of great proportions started in the valley below, luckily our privileged position left us safe from these fires.

We received a message from Kusto, a member of an ancient civilization now in decay, they have ships and weapons far superior to ours, so we listened very carefully to Kusto's request: Help him defend himself from some animals that are chasing him and keep him safe until a ship of his people comes to fetch him, so we can establish a relationship between our peoples.

It's been days since we've eaten succulent human flesh, just seeing this desperate man come straight into our arms makes you think it's a divine intervention, but after thinking better, we come to the conclusion that we shouldn't attract the wrath of our enemies, at least not for now. These men handle fire much better than us, they can kill with fire-breathing weapons and they have big flying machines like this one that's coming to get Kuro

Greetings to everyone, thanks for reading this far.
Later this week I should participate talking about my first online game, which was tribal wars, a game I play today.
