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RE: The New House Of The Early Carrot Seeds

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Greetings, Fellow Carrot Growers!

Carrots were my last harvest of 2021.

Glad to see you went with the vinyl wrapping idea. I'm not sure how long it will last, but probably long enough until the weather gets warmer.

I also usually sow carrot seeds in a chaotic fashion. They are just too small. Sometimes I do use a stick to make very small scratches in a grid pattern to help the seeds land more systematically. Then I just brush everything flat again. It kinda works.


Then I just brush everything flat again. It kinda works.

Same last year but the soil was not brushable right now. Lots of cold water and sticky as clay. Probably not a good idea sowing at all,right now. But I wanted to try with this pack of seeds. There are some more for February, March, and April. Probably even September. There's land enough and seeds are cheap. Yet.