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RE: Gardenjournal: Midwinter colour and my greenhouse is happening

in HiveGarden2 years ago

@nikv your garden looks amazing and in winter, you've done a great job.
I've just gone and got myself another 2 cacti this morning and collected my other one from my mum's house as it's been there for years lol.
Wookie looks like our allotment cat, he's a stray called Rocky, he comes down from time to time and likes a good tummy scratch.
out of curiosity what's a wattle screen?

 2 years ago  

Thank you! There are nice examples here of wattling:

I know what it is now, lol, my neighbor did something like this but with willow, and his is still alive, he kind of shaped it at the top and placed it through itself to give it an effect of a fence. it's pretty cool :D

 2 years ago  

I love it!