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RE: My Dad's Backyard Vegetable Garden - Part I.

in HiveGarden2 years ago

A bit late, but I'm here. So, one thing I've learnt in life is that you have to live with your conscience for the rest of your life. You can't get rid of it and this is why you have to do things you are ok with for the rest of your life, at the right time. Having regrets later is the worst thing.

Going to live with your parents for one year at that age was the best gift you could give them. Trust me. Building the garden was again the best decision and your dad knew what he was doing. The memories are for life and your son will remember that experience for the rest of his life. 3 generations working together.

My dad has a garden, so I know what it means to set up one, although we do it a bit differently as that land has always been for gardening and we prepare it in October, November, after harvesting. About the muscle pain ... 😂 ... you can feel the muscles you had no idea exist after a couple of days or gardening.

I'm heading to my dad's in the weekend, so ... I can start feeling sorry for myself 🤣