Week 1: The Weekly Theme - Tasty Harvests

in HiveGardenlast month

We've been running the #gardenjournal on Hive for a long time now, and have absolutely loved seeing your gardens, whether you're boasting about flowers and vegetables, crying about slugs, or offering recipes for garden produce. Don't worry - the #gardenjournal is absolutely here to stay!

However, we thought we'd try running a weekly theme again so that you have an idea of what to write about.

We'll be super interested in what you have to say and will be sharing the best ones each week, with some upvotes to water your garden posts as well.

Copy of Copy of Copy of cold, smooth & tasty..png

They'll be coming out every Monday and you have the entire week to write. If you miss the deadline, don't worry - you can post whenever you like on the theme. This is simply about providing you with fertiliser for your thoughts.

Some guidelines

  • Please no AI - let's stick to real gardens for this challenge.
  • Posts should be a minimum of 300 words to be considered for attention
  • Don't overload on images, especially if very similar. Think less is more.
  • No plagiarism

This Week's Theme: Tasty Harvests

It's harvest time in the northern hemisphere, so it's totally appropriate to write about your tastiest harvest.

However, this isn't just about detailing all you have grown - save that for the #gardenjournal - but for your tastiest crop. It would be even better if you showed how you prepared it for the table, the larder or your prepper storage!

For example, your tasty harvest could be a passionfruit. You could detail what fertilizer you used, the variety of fruit, the taste, and so on - but also a recipe, for example, passionfruit sorbet. If your harvest was garlic, you could detail the drying process or include a recipe for garlic fermented honey. If your favorite and tastiest harvest is broad beans, you could include why you like the taste (plenty don't!) and a recipe for, say, broad bean and fetta dip.

We love and appreciate your efforts in making the Hive Garden a beautiful community! Thanks for your engagement with others, your wonderful tips, advice and inspiration!


The HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY support sgardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Don't forget the #gardenjournal challenge that comes out on the 1st of every month.


Nice one

 last month  

Hope you can join in!

 last month  

I hope I can be diligent and take part in this contest this time.

 last month  

Yeah, this is a wonderful idea You got I think now all gardeners should work in the garden as well as in the kitchen. it will be nice to see and read many posts. :)