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RE: Planting food - Phase one

in HiveGardenlast year

Wow, I never knew garlic has penicillin in it, I'm just learning about that now, thank you so much for the update. So you mean there are vampires in your country? 🤓

Oh I see, but is it possible for an egg shell to contain less percent of calcium? I wonder.

You are welcome, I'm happy I was able to lead you to the port, I hope to see your post there one of these days. Do well to ask any questions of you have any.


Woah, let me correct myself!
Pardon my clumsy English, garlic actually play the same roll as penicillin (doesn't contain penicillin in it) , it's minerals are great fighters against inflammation, pure natural desinfection.

Hahah, well if you have never heard of Count Drakula, take a look, we are pretty much close to it. 😂
Folk beliefs, folk medicine, the trick is that people used to heal themselves with nature, mostly with plants, I'm not saying that today's medicine hasn't helped, but some of the traditional recipes are still in usage.

How much calcium does one egg shell contains depends also on what the chicken eats. So I can not tell you correct %, but they do contain it, so why not use it.

Oh okay I get it now, hehe. I understand it better now, that's a really good benefit of garlic then.

I've seen a movie of Dracula and how they used garlic to scare them away and I thought it was just a movie, hehehe.

And yes, traditionally medicine are still the best for me too. But in all I don't like any of them, hehehe.

Well, that answers my question though, I think I will just keep gathering egg shells then, hehe.

Thank you so much for the knowledge you keep sharing with me, I'm really grateful.