 2 years ago  

lol... we have rampaging aagave too... pulling that out by the truck load... two guys came and got trailor loads of the stuff to plant out their back section. We STILL have too much. Thinking of pulling it out to plant pineapples.

yes the rain has been nasty here. NSW is flooding again. towns have gone under, roof rescues. Its dreadful. They only just had this a few weeks ago.

termites are a pain (sorry just reading your previous comments) we have them here too.

happy gardening


 2 years ago  

Agave got so bad it is a listed invasive here, we burn it to be rid of it. We also had some gigantic floods here. Basically washed an entire province away

 2 years ago  

actually i did see reports of that, not sure if it was from your account, but learned about it here on HIVE not the "news" service we have. Everything is crazy right now. Yes i'm not sure i will be planting it again.