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RE: Double Black Gardening S1-Ep1

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Fantastic work!!!

Jamie loves correa - we have arguments about planting it hahaha!!! Funny how you can be adverse to some plants for absolutely no reason at all. I finally caved and got some small ones with white bells for an edging - and the rabbits promptly ate them.

Love your work gardening with a can of - sometimes it's gotta be done. How's all the rain doing for you? We're not actually getting much here on the other side of Geelong sadly. Just cold drizzle. Ugh.


Thanks @riverflows. Sorry to hear about those pesky wabbits. I was sold as soon as I saw 'native fuchsia'. They're not as delicate as fuchsia but natives can be like that, beautiful in their own way.

And yes, the weeding has to be done, the double black just makes it something I look forward to rather than avoid.

The rain has been relentless here. We're looking at the next couple of weeks forecast to rain. We've even got some minor flood warnings this week. Thankfully, it's not in my area so I won't be affected so much.