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RE: Running from Tigers πŸ… Lime Pickle πŸ‹ & Other Garden Related Things

in HiveGarden β€’ 2 years ago

I'm sooo scared of eating any macropiota in case I get the id wrong! But learning so much.. eventually I'll be confident enough.

Cortisol overload is awful. Like Vincent, I'm hyposensitive so the world can come at me a bit large sometimes, and combine that with adrenal issues it can be pretty rough.

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Have you worked with homeopathy at all? If you feel drawn, do reach out - hom. is so good for working out deepest-rooted fears and tensions πŸ™πŸŒŸβ­

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I don't get along with homeopathy much, herbals work for me a lot better, from experience. Thanks so much. That could change for sure. I'm sure there's a few things I've been doing with diet eg coffee that can and do make a difference, plus my go to herbs. Working through Dad's illness through meditation and herbal support. Thanks sooo much for beautiful kind offer. I may yet reach out!

All power to you in healing, and with your dad too, dear friend πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯❀️❀️❀️❀️ And yes, homeopathy is not for everyone - but if that does change, I work with a fabulous homeopath in the US, who had helped invaluably in myoving out of primal fears and inability to function - and some severe pain symptoms. Hom. and also herbal pelvic steaming hace been ny bedrock healing modalities 🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I have been thinking for hours about accepting your offer...! Xx let me think about it. It might be what I need it and I have been questioning why I said no so fast.

Aw, bless you, dearest friend @riverflows - yes, I get that too. I'm here, on claregalloway at protonmail dot com, if you want to unravel it - and am on Signal App too for messaging. My journey with hom. has been long and beautiful, unwinding all the tensions and armouring that this intense incarnation had manifest in me. I really know hom. to be a miraculous healing gateway into our sovereignty and alignment with all things - so am always passionate to chat informally about it. xx Blessings always xx

I can totally relate to this.

Months ago, @clareartista got me in touch with an amazing homeopath and I actually had some sessions and tried out two types of remedies but I still have a lot of doubts.

Like life, homepathy is a long journey but we can only try to find out if it works for us.

Who knows, perhaps I can take away some of your doubts, so feel free to reach out to me about this


And yes: my mushroom passion has always been carefully balanced with super-patience around mastery.... no experimentation and only absolute certainty about a variety! But they always have specific identifying factors, like spore prints... always good to have multiple books to cross-reference - and I'd be very wary of any internet sources ☺️πŸ€ͺ

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Oh yes for sure, it's all cross referencing!!! I've heard mycologists say opposite.. they tend to affirm on internet AFTER looking at books as info changes all the time. The more sources used to make an educated decision imo.

Like Vincent, I'm hyposensitive so the world can come at me a bit large sometimes

You can be hypo sensitivosaurus,
I will always be known as hyper sensitivosaurus, no matter how alike we are ;>)
