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RE: Gardenjournal: Midwinter colour and my greenhouse is happening

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Oh man that greenhouse looks gorgeous! Is that from gum trees you found yourself or do they come from a yard or something? I wish I could get my husband to steal into the forest next door to pinch some long poles for me to make me the arbor I want for pumpkins and to shade the raspberries in that part of the garden that catches too much sun in the summer. I've been doing 'earth moving' myself - you don't feel like you have to quickly blanket the soil to stop the sun blasting it to hell and it's sooo nice to say hi to the bugs and worms. Can't wait to see it wrapped up - bummer about the crypto drop, it's really preventing some good shit being built! Love this, Nik.

 2 years ago  

Thank you! The gum poles are from a yard: gums are highly problematic here and only grown commercially. Yep, winter is the time for hard work in the South