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RE: How to create basic Lakhovsky coils using different colours for different plants 🌱

in HiveGarden β€’ last year

Yes, tomatoes like lots of sun so this fits. Though I would say if your tomatoes are sick, they will likely need a different colour.

Can't wait for the spring! All I have are peas & salad stuff at the moment. The beans should be making their appearance soon in large beds so will do another full spectrum colour test on them...

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Β last yearΒ Β 

" All I have are peas & salad stuff at the moment."

And I have:

All white crop Dec. 2022.jpg

and 24F/-5C....

And I can't wait for spring either!!

Β last yearΒ Β 

Yowzer! Can't grow much in that.

Just out of curiosity do you know if there are any vegetable which can grow in thick snow?

I guess they just get covered up so nothing much works unless the snow is removed?

Β last yearΒ Β 

Actually the ground freezes, sometimes to 4' down. Once soil temp drops below 50F, the biology slows/stops. Add the lack of sun in winter (only 8 hrs this month) and nothing is growing as it doesn't have sufficient support.