Spring Sprouting Has Begun - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden2 months ago


Well, that is what my gardens are showing me anyway. I know we still have at least another week of cold temperatures at night, but we could see mid-to upper 40s during the day.

The early spring blossoms are opening all around my home. When the flowers start to open my overall mood just rises. I mean serious happy vibes abound!


The Star Magnolia is always the first tree to bloom for me. I love the contrast of the white flowers against the bright blue sky. I can't wait to take photographs of the blossoms fully open.


The Hellebores are all fully open and I could not believe my eyes when I saw a honeybee gathering the pollen. That is so early for them to be here. It was surely taking advantage of the blossoms on every plant.


These always bloom along with the crocus and are a welcome sight to the eyes. I have three varieties of Hellebore in my gardens.




I love each one in its own way, but love the variations on the white with burgundy speckles. It photographs so nicely. Yet, the deep burgundy has multiple petals like a rose. To me, they are each beautiful in their own way. Mother nature is truly amazing.


The Hyacinthe are starting to open up as well. I love having them because the deer leave them alone unlike my tulips. Soon their wonderful fragrance will be wafting throughout the yard.

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The Crocus flowers are blooming here and there, and as always, the first to peek through the soil.


The pink Candytuft is in full swing also, and this is the only patch that has survived over the years.


I may try to take a few sprigs of it and root it to make another clump after it is done blooming. I would love to have more to scatter around different garden beds.


I imagine by next weekend I will have daffodil blooms to photograph and I will share those with all of you too. Happy Spring gardening my friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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Love that candytuft! I bet the hyacinth make the yard smell delicious! My hellebore started this last week too.

 2 months ago  

I am hoping to start a couple more mounds of the candytuft. I love that it is pink. I have the white as well, but somehow ended up with one pink. We got more snow and now the temps are below freezing with wind.

Here too! The wind is awful!

Wow that is an explosion of lovely flowers. Your garden is decked out what a success @sunscape 👏🏼👏🏼🎉

 2 months ago  

Thank you, I appreciate your comment on the flowers.

All is so beautiful

 2 months ago  

Thank you sweetie! ♥


The Sunny side of life is filled with enthusiasm and yes beautiful vibes, that's what Spring is all about.
These beauties blooming all around you are so colourful and I'm sure, fragrance-ful too.

 2 months ago  

Yes! Spring brings good vibes and fragrant beauties to enjoy.

The neighbor has a Magnolia and has already grown fat buds. My hyacinths are showing their leaves, way too early! Swine cold at night. I see your garden is booming.

 2 months ago  

Yes, we have freezing temps at night once again, but everything seems to be doing well. Happy Spring!