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RE: Gardenjournal: Midwinter colour and my greenhouse is happening

in HiveGarden2 years ago

You must be thrilled to have started the greenhouse for your succulents. Repurposing material is always a winner. Saving a few $$$ along the way always puts a smile on my face.
The cold weather crops you have sound like they're doing well, but having eggplant doing anything this time of year is a miracle.
I know that you don't like the stone walls behind the new greenhouse, but I think they make a fine backdrop to your garden and new greenhouse.
The care you took to make sure that the bugs don't destroy the new greenhouse should have it standing for years to come.
The Lobster flower is so very different than anything I've ever seen.
Your efforts raising succulents sure seems to be paying dividends as everything looks fabulous.
Enjoy the cooler weather, it's always a pleasure when the heat breaks and one can get busy without sweating bullets.
Wookie looks like he's guarding your stuff from any predators that may wreck havoc. He probably appreciates all of your hard work.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your encouraging words!

Wookie looks like he's guarding your stuff from any predators that may wreck havoc. He probably appreciates all of your hard work.

He generally trashes a lot of my hard work, chases the sunbirds away from the aloes and murders all the geckos and skinks although he does keep the rodents out and stops the mousebirds from eating the vegetables. They are pretty destructive to kale and succulents like echeveria

I know that you don't like the stone walls behind the new greenhouse, but I think they make a fine backdrop to your garden and new greenhouse.

I think I'll like them more once they recede into the background :)