Seeing the vegetable farmers' fields in my village.

in HiveGardenlast month

hello HIVE friends in this community. This afternoon I had a little free time with my wife, so I took her for a walk using our two-wheeled vehicle to get around our village because I hadn't been around for quite a while due to the very hot weather and a very busy work schedule. the gentle breeze makes the sweat on the body feel cold and talking about random things and joking with my wife makes our afternoon walks more relaxed and it turns out that on this trip I saw several farmers using their oil palm land to make it more productive and more profitable. again to help their daily economy.

and I stopped there and saw the view in front of me in the form of rice fields that were starting to turn green and this really made me enthusiastic to relax here and talk about many things with my wife. and even though these fields are not mine, there is a warm feeling in my heart and I want to look at these plants for a little longer as if I had planted them and cared for these plants.

and in this field we can all see several types of plants, including:

1. spinach
Mini amaranth is actually growing well and I see that the stems of this spinach are also very fat, but it's a shame that my view is a little disturbed by the grass that grows abundantly between the plants as if they are competing to be harvested together. My hands seemed to be very itchy to take my hoe and clean the grass which was very green in color.

2. kale
different from the condition of spinach, in one field I saw kale plants which had plants spaced over time, meaning I saw the owner of this field planting kale, some of which were still small, some were just growing and some were already starting to be ready to be harvested after I asked and talking casually to the owner of the field which is a shame it doesn't want to be published. and the reason why the owner does this is so that every day there is water spinach to be harvested so that every day the owner can sell it to the market and of course it can help with the owner's daily money. and as monthly money he can use existing palm oil fields.

I can't believe it's getting late and it's starting to get dark, the owner of the kale field will also go home and I will go back to my house too of course my wife can't be left behind..ha..ha.. later when the kale is harvested the owner of the field will offer it to I thought I could help him harvest the kale, but I was still considering the offer because sometimes I couldn't compromise on time. a relaxing trip that relaxes the mind and really seeing the green scenery before our eyes makes our minds fresh again. In the future I will take a walk again and invite you to see my village.
Greetings from Tomidiwirja, Indonesia