Another clematis in my collection and garden plans


The week was hard, but it ended with a pleasant surprise. One way or another, I solved some of the problems, and for the rest I outlined a plan to solve them. When there is a plan, the situation no longer seems so hopeless.

And today one of my new clematises has flossomed. I bought three this year, but I didn't hope to see the flowers until next year. I don't talk much about my garden right now. June and early July were a real hell. But now it's getting cooler and I'll definitely make a separate post about all the innovations that I've already started to implement and that I'm planning.

I must say that I'm waiting for a whole collection of ornamental herbs. I ordered them back in February, but the seller immediately warned that it would take a long time to get them. And finally they have to come. In the meantime, I enjoy the flowering of phloxes and hibiscus, which took the baton.







These flowers look so happy... hope you also have a beautiful weekend like the flowers 😀

Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing a photo of them! I love the first one.

Яка краса! І звідки у тебе беруться сили і на квіти, і на домашніх вихованців?!)))