My garden is a lady in white


Hi, my dear Hive Gardners!

Beautiful April continues its work, bringing to our gardens the revival of life and the promise of a generous autumn harvest.

At first timidly, but then my fruit trees bloomed more actively: cherries and pears. And today my garden has turned into a fabulous bride, literally exploding with white flower fireworks! A beautiful cloud of flowering enveloped my garden, bringing with it a wonderful delicate aroma and attracting numerous bees that also do their work.

I am glad that despite all the problems, I managed to perform the main garden work and most importantly - to carry out spring pruning of trees before the start of the vegitation. Having got rid of old and sick branches, my trees show a willingness to thank me with delicious fruits. This is especially pleasing given the prices in the market... Since the beginning of the war, they have been constantly growing and there is not the slightest hope that this will change by autumn. Besides, my rabbit and squirrel need fruit. I'm afraid to feed them store vegetables and fruits because I'm not sure they're free of chemical additives. Such additives. Inconspicuous to humans, but can kill such a gentle animal as a rabbit or a squirrel.

My garden has only one problem right now - my ducks. Oh, yes, it's always a difficult question for me. On the one hand, I should close them in the enclosure, because they constantly break my flowers! But on the other hand, I feel sorry for them. What good is it to spend your life in an enclosure? It's an eternal dilemma...







Wow! You have a wonderful garden.

 29 days ago  

The garden is lovely dressed in white. I can relate to feeling bad for the ducks being enclosed. I think sacrificing a few flowers from time to time is the better option. Happy gardening.

It looks elegant and stunning! Such a beautiful white that makes your garden look enchanted

It looks like an elegant bride ready to walk down the aisle, what a beautiful white color and striking decoration they make 🌼

The ducks are divine, they break the flowers but well haha I don't know what can be done to calm them down, locking them up is not a good option, but I hope you can find a solution from someone who knows about it.

Without a doubt, dear friend @torem-di-torem, you have done an exemplary job in your garden, everything looks colorful and beautiful
Have a beautiful day