A friend of mine sent me a link the other day from Natural News - the audio book for the great reset survival guide.
I started listening to it and although this is probably pretty common knowledge in the conspiracy communities (if you can even call it that anymore because everything seems to be coming true that we've been talking about for years) I came across SCoPEx - the geoengineering project that is going to block out the sun.
While I knew they were doing this I hadn't had a name up until this point.
In part 1 of the podcast, the author talks about how the globalists intend to block out the sun. And while this may seem scary, apparently it's purpose is to effect different parts of the planet differently.
For example - due to our soil, our weather and our technology here in North America... If they dim the sun just 1%, we'll lose about 5% of our crops. With things like corn, that's not a big deal. The US has abundance frequently with crops and even places like Canada in our grain belts - even with poor weather we still have abundance. 5% isn't a whole lot.
In places like Africa however with the amount of people, the soil, the lack of technology & the the climate the relies on warm weather - a mere 5% drop in food output will mean millions on top of the already millions starving to death.
Scrolling over a few articles produced over the last year or so, the globalists have no longer been hiding their plans to block out the sun. Take for example the one from Science Mag.
There seems to be a lot of back and forth in whether this is safe or not as right now it's all theories the scientists are going off of. They have settled on using calcium carbonate as the preferred medium however they have no idea how it would react being so high up in the atmosphere, how it would seed the clouds below and... as a further added bonus - how it would interact with the plants, animals and people on the planet below.
How would that dose (even if it IS only 1% - that's still a large amount) affect people on specific medications? The U of M Health website specifically lists side effects such as thirst and inability to urinate.
What a coincidence this is being pushed into the air at the same time water is being monopolized by Nestle huh?
Back to the topic,
Forbes reported on this small experiment they intend to start over Sweden, again with the same concerns that we could potentially cool down the planet too much leading to starvation such as the 1816 year without summer in which a volcano erupted causing catastrophic changes in weather with just .4-C.7C difference resulting in freezing temps that decimated crops.
it's no wonder we're creating GMO plants to sustain crazy weather/bugs, lab grown meat and insects for protein if their plan is to kill everything that can exist on it's own on this planet.
Thankfully however this plan has been put on hold due to environmental groups & the Sami council as said in this Grist article.
Critics say that it's not only too much of a risk and a moral hazard - simply allowing the government to even begin testing be it public or private opens the door from the inch to the mile.
We all know how well the government loves to tell us it's just a small thing and then takes it next level.
Remember 2 weeks to flatten the curve?
While the rest of the world is opening up - Canada is shutting down even harder demanding people get their gene therapy or else they won't get their freedoms back.
And yes, even the premier Scott Moe has said this in a recent interview.
Either way it looks as though we may be up to our armpits in poop for a fight against SCoPEx since they've invested a LOT of money into this so far and simply may need the right place to do this to start the ball rolling.