An attempt at reading Tarot Cards: "How are we doing in our war?"

in Conspiracy Realists2 years ago


I recently ordered a deck of Tarot cards. I have never read Tarot cards before. I know where I can find some good courses, but I don't have the patience, I want to try it now, with the knowledge I obtained while watching many professional Tarot card readings, and at least one episode of those courses.

So, it started with a question:
I asked the Universe: "How are we, the Galactic Federation, doing in our war against the Draco Orion Alliance? Are we winning?"
And then I drew these cards. I chose for the Kachina Knife Spread Layout. Each position has its own meaning. The cards are drawn in a particular order.

So, what do I think I can read in these cards?
It looks like we have had the worst. For humanity, the worst is yet to come, but for the war overall, the worst fights have been fought. There is still a lot to hide though, obviously they can't tell us everything. The Six of Swords tends to move out of danger, and the Four of Swords indicates there is a lot to hide.

For humanity, the worst is yet to come, and it will look really bad, but it won't be half as bad as it will look at first. The worst will last only 2 weeks, surely no longer than two months.

The Page of Cups appears in the near past. For whatever reason, I don't know. The booklet says the Page of Cups represents a "fair young man, one impelled to render service and with whom the querent (Six of Swords) will be connected; a studious youth; news, message, good augury; application, reflection, meditation; also these things directed to business."

So, what can I distill from that? The querent is the Galactic Federation, represented in this reading by the Six of Swords. They used to be more like the Page of Cups, in the recent past. And they meant business!

The card in the top position represents the recent past. Straight under the top card, in the center, there lies the current situation; the King of Pentacles. It says we are winning, and of course, we have already won. Although, the card under that one shows the future; Two of Swords; the two timelines that will remain. We need the negative timeline to happen also, because some souls have chosen to stay in three dimensions, to learn more, said Dolores Cannon (R.I.P.), and she knew such things.
The choice was made before birth, in all cases.
The others will ascend to the fifth dimension. If we had lost this war, they would have stolen our souls, and turned us into robots, fully controlled by them.
That is what will happen in three dimensional Terra, so we better ascend to fifth dimensional Gaia. But as I said, the choice has been made, but for what reason? Who knows? You will know as soon as you die, or dream you're on the other side, and remember the dream. That's the difficult part; to remember. In some of our dreams, we do stuff in the realm where the dead reside. I talked with my father after he died, in such a dream.

Left and right are indicator cards. It's looking good for the children. The Five of Pentacles says it's done by man and woman, rather than by spirit. In this context it says we will finally have found the required spirit inside of us, to finally save the children, because the Six of Cups specifically benefits children.
So, yes, we are winning this war!
And those of us who have chosen to remain in three dimensions, they will experience a loss for the Galactic Federation.

This was my reading.
Many thanks for your attention!
Have a beautiful evening, morning, afternoon, and night.

Kind regards,

President of my own republic.

(Do not donate to this organisation. I don't know this particular organisation, but most of such organisations are covers to traffic children for the self-appointed 'elite', SRA, organ trade, etc.)


Tarot cards are explicitly made just for one thing - personal advice and orientation. They will not work for anything else, basically, you can get whatever result on anything - but if it is not alive, human, and focused question, for example, something for yourself, divination will be a nice fictional situation with not much application. I wish you much luck and success in personal and spiritual prosperity. Love and joy

Thank you for your well meant advise. However, I got my own intuition and my own logic. Remote viewing has proven to be an incredibly accurate source of information, and that information comes from somewhere. Tarot cards provide information, which comes from the same source. The cards, or crystal balls or coffee residue or dice or whatever, those are all tools to hear what the source is saying. This knowledge all resides in all of our subconscious. We can easily obtain it in dreams, but we can't remember! We can remember only what we need to know, or are ready to know. I have been talking with my father, after he died, in something we would call a dream. I knew I was sleeping. I also know it was real. About a week later I woke up with this inexplicable pain in my right knee. It lasted for about 15 minutes, exactly as we had agreed in that dream. It was the pain my father had always been complaining about while he was still alive. So, that's how I know that dream was real. And so there is a dimension, a reality out there which we do have access to, if we would only know how.
We can access the infinite knowledge with remote viewing, tarot cards, crystal balls, pendulums... there are all kinds of tools to get to the truth. You just gotta get the interpretation right. And of course the best and most reliable way is to do it without any tools; remote viewing. Everyone can learn it! 😉

Here is the story about that dream, talking with my father.

After 13000 years two weeks or two months is nothing if the end is good and finally here.

I think the cycles take 25920 years.
So a half-cycle would be 12960 years. You're close enough. It often is rounded up to 13000.

I don't know how often we get these events. What events? Extinction level events.
Could be a solar micronova, a pole shift, or both. One could cause the other.

The Suspicious Observers guy on youtube, he figured it all out:

This period of two months, it will make a lot of difference how long that lasts. Because there will be food shortages. After two weeks, without power, without ... who knows what, without any monetary system... I can't even imagine. Such a period better not last too long. Two weeks is 14 days too long.
Two months would be 61 days. It could be the difference between life and death. Can you get treatment for a nasty infection in time? No? Lose your leg! After another week you lose your life.

In the end all will be fine, but we never get back the time they took from us.
We did not know, so that makes it different. Afterwards, when we know what they have done to us, and for how long, we .... I would tear them to shreds, make them suffer!
So they better hang before someone like me gets started on them. Do to them what they have done to us, and our children. They better just hang.

People who are destined to pass all that will overcome all, people who must stop their experiences here, unfortunately they won't. Paths, lives and worlds will part... things are as they supposed to be probably, just to be prepared or at least with strong mind and faith.

So be it, and so it is.

Of course we are as strong as reality requires, and stronger.

Thank you Duvinca, for your insightful contribution. 🙂