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RE: Why I Left the Zeitgeist Movement | Pt.1 - The Psychedelics Conspiracy in Academia

in Conspiracy Realists3 years ago (edited)

Though I met many wonderful people in tzm and they all have good intentions, it also tends to attract cold so-called "rationalists" or "realists" which I could now just as well call "materialists", "atomists" or even "naive scientism disciples".

I have always believed that the whole association between scientism and reason is a confusion. In reality, scientism is not something rational at all. These people literally have faith in science as if it were a religion, and many of their claims are plain illogical. There is no reason there. It is pseudo-intellectualism. Which is false and makes people believe that if you are rational you are closed-minded and/or materialistic, which is not true at all.

About the Zeitgeist movement can't tell you much, in my opinion, I always saw them as very linked to communism, and that's not a good thing, I think. Just my perception.

See ya.


where most people inside tzm would be appalled at such a suggestion, insisting that all isms have been completely disposed of in tzm, you are right insofar as that the idealistic idea of the rbe comes close to the idealistic ideal of communism. it all sounds peachy on paper but since authority is still maintained in some form (though diluted and automated as in the resaourcebased economy), there is huge potential for abuse and exploitation.

Especially because so much of the reality presented misses huge parts of the picture, because it is materialist at its core.

I marvel to this day about just how weak the foundations of the materialist credo are. It's quite stunning to claim to be open-minded while ignoring and filtering out a whole array of phenomena and experiments that would completely erode one's own worldview. People confuse the scientific method with Science™ and don't realize they are the most fervent religious disciples out there while insisting they aren't. It was quite the ingenous trap. But once one sees from experience and learns from research that Science™ has intentionally hidden knowledge from humanity so important that it's stunning, then this whole thought experiment falls apart. Not because the system analysis is wrong or bad - but because you realize just how much you have been had in accepting a new worldview based on faith in certain tenets while ignoring most important ones.

Thanks for your thoughts dude!